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  1. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe, Brought more coffee to share. Bright sunny here in the 80's again.
  2. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    I still need to move the little tiny coop to the chicken yard. I have used it for a hen to hatch eggs.
  3. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe sun is out, We both woke on the right side of the bed.
  4. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    I do see all the water out there also.
  5. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Because of my heart med and the Otezla I cannot donate either.
  6. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe Did bring another pot to share. Sun is out here big time. I get to put some marigold in the ground deter the pest population.
  7. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    There will be the great love memory to lean on.
  8. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    My Doctors office called to remind me of an appointment I have with my Doc think they would approve of me making apple fritters to share?
  9. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe grass is wet rubber boots.
  10. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe everything is quiet here like it that way.
  11. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Love the tractor use to drive one as kid.
  12. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Nice butterfly!
  13. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Had fun here this morning cafe DH had a low blood sugar! called the medics unknowingly I did start it coming back up with frosting in a bottle. Made him a couple fries eggs to keep it up. We had only had them at night before.
  14. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Having a quiet day here seems sun has come out. My rib is starting to ease as far as pain guess it was bruised.
  15. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Morning Cafe had my coffee Not raining this is bonus!
  16. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Grandma was in her late 70's she took me on. She would say Gosh when I was younger ! She died at 103 God bless her and so did I.
  17. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    So are mine and I cracked a rib so being in great shape will not let us bounce back after 60. :gig
  18. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Good morning Cafe I figure as long as I can I will.
  19. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    Best part is we can still laugh at pain.
  20. pennyJo1960

    BYC Café

    I went ass end over tea kettle last night in the coop. Do not bounce as well anymore. :idunnoThat was not fun.
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