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  1. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh no. Hope it's ok. What causes wry neck in new hatchlings?
  2. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Sending good vibes. ❤️ Do you have a hatching thread so that I can see these chicks?
  3. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I just can't believe it. Well 2 things - Lemon, my bantam cochin, is broody again this season! :thSo, I collected eggs and took her out of the nest box. I closed that one so if anyone else lays today they will have to choose a different area. 2nd - I just looked at my chicken cam to make sure...
  4. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Yay, can't wait to see them. Yuck on that heat. 😰
  5. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh my. That is such a wonderful story. I'm so glad you found her. ❤️ Can't wait to see Daphne's chicks. 🥰 Yesterday I just made the Silkie girl stay in her dog crate. I had no energy to redo anything. But, today I went downstairs and found an old tablecloth that would work perfectly to cover...
  6. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Just went out and my silkie mix was out of her penned area (because I didn't afix a top to three panels of an old prefab run [makeshift pen]. I just set some feed bags and scrap hardware cloth on top). She figured a way out through the top. :th She's giving me Maizie vibes. Maizie was my EE...
  7. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Do you keep them for a project or just a hobby?
  8. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh my, I love him. Is he a bantam lavender orpington?
  9. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Cockerels (especially banty) are a nuisance. The hens definitely don't put up with their shenanigans. 😆
  10. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Funny. I tell my oegb rooster that I could eat him in 2 bites when he nips at me. Sometimes he's too big for his britches depending on his mood. But, most times he behaves, so I let him live another day. :lau
  11. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Maybe it just takes awhile to establish yourself as an egg and meat source? A lady nearby has a fb page for eggs, produce, chickens etc. She's got it set up for roadside service for eggs and produce on the honor system. Then, during the fall she will offer produce boxes and meat boxes either...
  12. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I did a thing. :oops: So, while waiting for the oegb guy to get back to me from the Craigslist email, I found some silkie satin mix pullets. I reached out since it was local and the poster got back to me before the oegb guy did. She had 2 posted a black one and a white one. Now, I have been...
  13. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    How long have you had chickens?
  14. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Oh my, that's just loads of cuteness! 😍
  15. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Handsome. Cute little sebright. Dusty was handsome as well. :hugs
  16. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    🤣 I named her JellyBean because I thought that was fitting for an Easter Egger. But, even as a Brahma the name suited her. I miss her sassy attitude. She was one of my first chickens - her and her 3 ISA Brown sisters they started all that is today. ♥️
  17. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Thanks for the input, everyone! Yeah, I don't really care either way, just started thinking about those earlobes. 😊
  18. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    I'm wondering if the blue one is a Dutch bantam? I started wondering due to her earlobes. My pet chicken has this on their website (found through an image search). Thoughts? I can get better pics of her. It doesn't matter either way. I once thought a brahma I got was an EE because that's what I...
  19. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Thank you!
  20. Crazy Maizie

    Pipd's Peeps!

    Here they are. Apparently the sebright was giving the guy a hard time to catch. She's got a scrape on her nose. But, she is quite feisty - yelling at me when I was checking her over. The bb red oegb was also yelling at me and chatting like she was telling me all about the trauma. The blue one is...
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