chick starter

  1. RoosterJuice

    Can I mix medicated and non-medicated chick starter?

    Hello all, I incubated local eggs and bought non-medicated chick starter for the chicks. They hatched 3 days ago and three have died so I started doing more research about the feed. I want to switch to medicated feed but I have this massive bag of non-medicated? Can I mix it? Or should I save...
  2. lampshade160

    Does this seem like a healthy chick starter?

    Hi! I got new chicks yesterday and decided today to sit down and read the ingredients in their feed, as one of my chicks seems to be feeling a little constipated and another is starting to get a poopy butt. I’ve never been good at reading ingredients (both human food, and animal food) so I was...
  3. A

    Question about food when young & older chicks

    Our chicks are 10 & 12 weeks old and we are looking to move them into the coop at night which will mean they have access to the older (2 yr old) chickens feeders. Looking for advice based on their age. we are getting 2 more bags of the chick starter food to last the next two weeks and hope to...
  4. BookThief

    Gluten Free feeds

    I may be new to BYC, but I wanted to share my findings. My mom is severely allergic to wheat, so when we got our birds, we decided to feed them an all gluten free diet. I did hours and hours of research, trying to find layer feed, chick starter, and scratch that was completely gluten free. It...
  5. froggyphore

    thoughts on poulin grain chick starter?

    my chicks are 3-4 weeks old and have been eating PG since they were 5-7 days + a little unknown starter with grit this past week. i don't know much about chick nutrition and i'm worried PG doesn't have enough calcium (0.90-1.20%) anyone have experience with/opinions on it?
  6. hysop

    What is the difference between 18% and 20% chick starter?

    2% I know 🤣 On a serious note, what is the difference? I’m getting Jersey Giants that require 18% chick starter and I would find it easier to buy only one type of chick starter for all my chicks regardless if they’re Jersey Giants or not. Right now I buy 20% chick starter for my chicks...
  7. analyticalblonde

    I made a mistake...Will it harm my chicks?

    Hi all, I am a newbie with my first batch of chicks...they are 2 1/2 weeks old and are growing exponentially! This was my discovery/mistake I noticed today... I purchased a 50 lb bag of DuMor Chick 24% Chick Starter and they have been on it since I received them from MyPetChicken on March...
  8. chickitychickity

    Interesting ways to feed baby chicks.

    My grandma recently gave me two poultry books. One is “Starting Right With Poultry.” It’s by G. T. Klein. The book is from the 1970s. Anyways, one thing that I found interesting is that this book recommended that (back then,) you feed chick scratch for the chick’s first three days and then you...
  9. nerfworthy

    A feed question: chick starter for how long?

    Hi All, My chickens are nearing laying age and I had a question. How long do I stick with chick starter? The company I buy my feed from only has 2 kinds, chick starter and laying all non medicated. Can I do chick starter indefinitely + oyster shell supplement? Or do I HAVE to switch to layer...
  10. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    When to switch feeds

    Hello friends! This is my first flock and the girls are 13 weeks old. Just ran out of our last bag of a medicated chick starter and the centerra co-op suggested i could start them on layer crumbles if i wanted to. I thought i read that there was too much calcium in layer feed for younger...
  11. LestersFlat

    One day-old chicks

    3 of my hens have been sitting on eggs in 2 nest boxes. I don't know how the 2 biggest ones fit in one box together, but they do. :) Since they were not the best sitters in the beginning, I stole some of the eggs and took them to a friend with an incubator. 4 of the incubated eggs hatched...
  12. CajunFeatherz

    Need some input: high protein feed?

    OK, looking for some feed pros here, especially if you're familiar with fermented feed. I do FF for my flock of 120. It's a task, but it's not so bad. For the longest time I was using All Flock as my base. I also add crimson clover, scratch grains, BOSS, red wheat, rolled oats, lentils...
  13. Ducklover2

    Chicks & Grit

    Do chicks need grit when eating crumbles(chick starter).
  14. Keeperoflock

    Switching Foods

    I have heard about something called "finishing food" when switching from chick starter grower to layer. What exactly is "finishing food"? When do I switch to layer food? My chicks are 5 weeks old now and I need to buy more food. They probably have enough for a week.
  15. katiek

    Do you have any old Tucker Milling feed?

    Hello friends! I am on the hunt for some old Tucker Milling Non-GMO feed. Does anyone have any laying around? We are doing some research and need to run some tests on their old formula. I only need about a quart bag size of the feed (if the bag is unopened that would be even better, but I'll...
  16. speckledhen

    Medicated vs Non-Medicated Feed

    From my YouTube channel, just a short discussion of why we no longer feed medicated feed to our chicks, though we did begin our chicken keeping career about 12 years ago by giving them the medicated feed with amprolium, believing it would prevent coccidiosis.
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