diarea blanca

  1. Layla_Chickens


    I need help ASAP. I have this 1-2 year old silkie and she has been fine until now. This morning she was her usual active self, eating, drinking everything. I came back from school and I find her isolated and in position to lay, which isn't odd since she's a hen. But she stood up and pooped this...
  2. Jona-077

    Problema fecal

    Hola que tal mucho gusto😃 Mi nombre es Jonathan y soy de México. Tengo una gallina que hace 1 semana comenzó con un problema raro, el lunes me di cuenta que no quería comer, le toque su buche y se sintió esponjado como un globo con agua, le di un poco de aceite de oliva. El martes amanecio un...
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