egg deformities

  1. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at?

    One of my Golden Comets laid this thing. I have 2 Golden Comets and two new Leghorns. For months now only one of the Golden Comets has been laying, whereas previous they both had been every single day. I wasn't terribly worried, otherwise they both seem quite healthy and I thought one might be...
  2. Chickenwithnobrim

    Majorly deformed egg. What the h*ll is this

    My chicken laid this small soft shelled egg, then laid a normal egg the next day, and next thing she lays is this monstrosity! She was having issues all day laying it then finally shot this out with an audible squelch this is the first small softshell one ^ and then this is the weird one. This...
  3. Pennys Mama

    Are these guinea eggs normal?

    These eggs are from the same guinea hen, she's just over 20 weeks old. These are her 1st three eggs. The larger one was her 1st, then 2 days later the middle one, then today the tiny round one. Is there something that I need to do or give her that'll fix her eggs? The first one is the only one...
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