exploding egg

  1. Ankaa

    This is what an egg that is going to explode in a few hours looks like when candled

    I learned the hard way the next morning. Just wanted to get this out here so you can learn from my mistake. I had also candled it about a week before. At that time, it looked very behind in development. 7 days later when I candled it again, the egg had gone completely dark which was a big red...
  2. D

    911 Exploding egg. Are the rest dead too? Should i ho back and get them??

    So there is a pair of geese I visit every day. I noticed the female laid five eggs and had been sitting on them nonstop. About. Two days ago I walked over and there were only 3 eggs left and it smelled I only saw one shell on the side of the nest and one inside. There were flies everywhere and...
  3. WeTheWeys

    PLEASE HELP!!! Duck Egg Incubation Questions!

    Hi everyone! I am brand new here so I am still figuring it all out. I have so many questions as I prepare for my little babies! Tomorrow I am receiving my duck eggs. I have a Janoel 12 incubator and I am pretty sure the tray is not turning like it is supposed to, so perhaps I will just manually...
  4. iroeldjoeldj

    My broody hen's eggs seem rotten

    Darn...this is the third year she had gone broody and tried to hatch chicks...but 3 just exploded under her, and the rest should have hatched last week. Because of her efforts, I now know what a gross smell an exploding rotten egg can be. I've also got my first batch of eggs in a Hova Bator...
  5. LaLaLaLauria

    Quaility Control- To float or chance a bomb on day 14?

    Hi guys, noob first time quail (anything actually) incubator. Today is day 14 and we will be going into lockdown. I do not have faith in my ability to candle these little spotted eggs effectively so my question is: Do I not candle, not float, just put the eggs in lockdown and pray for no...
  6. hesklj2008

    Exploding Egg Under Broody Hen! Help!

    So I have another broody hen, sitting on 10 eggs. Three have hatched, and when I lifted mama to check for pips one of her eggs exploded. Forget the horrible smell and gunk, I need to know what to do now! Can I safely move mama and chicks to another nest? What do I do with the remaining eggs if...
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