floor cover

  1. N

    In Grass Valley, CA. Best material for chicken run?

    Our first chicks are almost ready to venture out into the world! Our run is currently compacted dirt and some weeds. Is gravel safe for the run floor? Mixed with sand? If so, which type? How deep? We want to keep it clean, sanitary, low maintenance, temperature regulated, healthy, and safe for...
  2. M

    Hello from JK Farm in RVA - floor issue???

    Hey there! Hubby and I manage a 300 acre homestead. Just a few years in with gardens, berries, cornfield, orchard, apiary, upkeep of the property. Would LOVE to network with other farm folk in the Richmond VA area. This year, adding cows and chickens! We have 16 chicks in the brooder at the...
  3. S

    BlackJack 57 on damp OSB?

    Hi! We got our first 8 chicks a few weeks ago and I’m up against the clock to get the coop finished. The last important part right now is protecting the floor. I originally wanted to use linoleum, but all I could find at the big box stores and flooring stores was vinyl rolls that were squishy...
  4. N

    question about limestone used in duck house

    is it ok to use limestone inside of my duck house? my floor is dirt in the duck house which isn’t an issue with my 6 older ducks as they do not eat or drink inside of their house at night and have the option to come in and out as they please the entire day, but i have 11 younger babies and they...
  5. mpmrla

    Brooder Bedding

    Over the last 50 years that i have raised chickens i have tried every type of bedding material for bedding and all of them require changing out almost daily to keep down odor moisture and the chicks clean and healthy. None of the traditional beddings are as effective as a 2" layer of very dry...
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