incubator problems

  1. PuddlesandWaddles

    Humidity problems - Need help!

    So I bougth a cheap incubator off amazon since I'll probably never use it again and I didn't want to spend a lot. So far I have 4/6 fetile eggs. The temp has been great but the humditiy is not doing so well. Instead of a spot to pour water in it has a water bottle and I can't get it to work so...
  2. ChickenNuggie

    First Time Hatch & Egg-topsy: My Story

    We were given an incubator as a gift since we couldn’t afford to buy one ourselves. It’s not a high-quality incubator, and it appears that we have had problems with keeping temperature and humidity steady. The external temperature read out is Celsius and does not seem to match the thermometer...
  3. Reebz

    Emu egg incubation... 1 month in... POWER CUT :(

    Hi guys, so I don’t really know what I’m hoping to achieve with this post, other than (at the very least) to utilise my current situation as an informative experiment for others to refer to, should they find themselves in a similar situation to me right now. So it is my first time trying a...
  4. Reebz

    Emu egg incubation... 1 month in... POWER CUT :(

    Hi guys, so I don’t really know what I’m hoping to achieve with this post, other than (at the very least) to utilise my current situation as an informative experiment for others to refer to, should they find themselves in a similar situation to me right now. So it is my first time trying a bit...
  5. Firsttimecrazychicklady

    Help my chick is chirping and kicking it’s legs but can’t stand

    One of my chicks hatched in the incubator last night. She was in a funny position the next morning (one her side legs spread and her neck bent) and her umbilical chord was still attached with the egg shell stuck to her. We cut the very end of the umbilical chord away because it was very dry...
  6. R

    incubator overheating, how to cool?

    Hi! I have Hova Bator 1602N set at 99 degrees which keeps increasing to 100 degrees. Looking online, it seems to be a common problem with that model but I'm not sure how to fix this problem. Will that much of a temperature difference cause a problem? If it will, how should I fix this?
  7. K

    Incubator only goes up to 98.4

    I just got Bobwhite eggs to hatch with my first graders. We have hatched ducks and chicken in the past. Anyway, my incubator is only going up to 98.4°. Bobwhite eggs need 99.5 from everything I read. Is it okay to incubate at this somewhat lower temperature, or should I invest in a new incubator?
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