injured rooster

  1. Nicci0110

    Dog Attack

    Sunday afternoon tragedy struck. 2 dogs from a half a mile down the road (owners have chickens too) massacred my flock. My babies free range from 12 to 6 daily. We heard something and my husband ran outside and saw the dogs. He grabbed a gun and while chasing to get a shot he fell. He broke a...
  2. R

    Rooster’s eyes pecked out by predator

    Hi all, I’ve had backyard chickens for 3 years and had my third hawk attack last night. Lost one of my 8 hens. When I found my rooster, he was tangled up in the fence and appeared to be dead. I realized he was breathing but called a neighbor to come put him out of his misery. But when my...
  3. Backyardtut

    WARNING: GRAPHIC PHOTOS Injured rooster… should I put him down?

    My rooster, Pepper, flew into my 8 month old Pyrenees puppies’ pen and they nearly played with him to death. They have been around chickens their entire life and are not aggressive towards them, but they get very excited anytime anyone or anything enters their pen. In this case, my rooster was...
  4. A

    Possum Attack(emergency sick rooster)

    So unfortunately last night, before I went to lock the chicken coop, my chickens were attacked by a possum. I currently feel so guilty for what happened to them and not being there. We were able to capture the possum and checked the chickens. There were four hens that had dead and the rooster...
  5. M

    Help! Silkie chickens one dead and one badly injured !!

    This morning around 4 am let my silkies out of their nesting area as you can see it has a small door on one side of the coop for them to free range and have more space most of the time they freely roam our yard but lately we have been seeing lots of hawk and skunks and as well opossums lurking...
  6. S

    Head Rooster lost his mojo, now he's a coward

    I have 6 roosters. My favorite, who used to be the head of the flock, and is the oldest of the 6 (by a year for the two next closest in age), got a leg injury and separated himself from the rest of the flock, to the point where his health was deteriorating. So I put him in the "hospital" and...
  7. I

    Rooster in rough shape after fight!

    Hi everyone. Two of my roosters, who are normally outside together for a few hours during the day and have never had any issues, started chasing each other around the yard two days ago. Fearing it would get ugly, my husband stuck his foot out to stop them. Not a kick by any means, just blocked...
  8. minaayindra

    Rooster bloody tail, being pecked, feathers broken off

    I came out this morning and noticed my large Black Copper Marans rooster, who was acting fine the night before, had a hen chasing him around who was pecking at the base of his tail. When I separated him, he has a large number of tail feathers broken off with active bleeding. I read through old...
  9. S

    Injured roo

    Hello, about two weeks ago my flock was attacked by an unknown predator. My roo did his job perfectly but he got terribly beat up in the process. Now he can’t crow. When he vocalizes, he’ll give a choking sound and shake his head like crazy. Also-he has become very , very timid. He used to be...
  10. Monguire

    Fox Attack Injury/Treatment/Recovery (Graphic Photos Included)

    About 3 weeks ago on a rainy, dark Sunday Morning, shortly after our automatic chicken door opened to let our flock out, 2 foxes breached our Premiere1 fence and attacked. We lost 2 of our pullets, only a few feathers left behind, and our Rooster (Rudy) was found in a heap, battle weary...
  11. B

    Injured rooster!

    Can anyone help as to what I can give him for pain ? I read aspirin , is BC powder okay ? He was attacked late last night & we are having pretty bad weather, flood advisory so can't take him to see a vet.
  12. LittleBird123

    OEGB rooster tail feathers broken, ripped off, and bleeding.

    My old English game bantam rooster has been trying to grow the feathers back on his tail, I suspect that they fell out because he was starting to molt. New feathers started coming in, but today when I saw him he only had a few bloody stumps left of the new feathers. I saw one of the hens pecking...
  13. Fireflylane

    Injured rooster

    Hello as some of you know my rooster was almost killed by another rooster of mine. Its been 2 or 3 days now and hes still drinking not yet eating and his neck still has a s curve in it. He allows me to straighten it out with mild discomfort but he doesnt really straighten it out himself it also...
  14. sanders2778

    rooster was attacked by dogs. how much water should I try to give at a time and how often.

    My rooster was attacked by 2 pits day before yesterday and he is not drinking or eating on his own, he's in the house and on antibiotics. Looks like he was grabbed by the head , one eye is swollen shut. He's pretty beat up. Anyway I don't know how much water to give him at a time and how often...
  15. C

    Help! Injured rooster. I don't know what to do anymore.

    My rooster churches is so beautiful and docile towards the hens and the us and I don't want to put him down but his left leg is suddenly hurt. He won't try to stand on it at all and uses his wings to balance. He still eats and drinks. I tried flipping him on his back and slowly moving the leg...
  16. Svacio

    My rooster got attacked by a dog.

    Hello, I recently got a rooster as a pet for my birthday. It' the first time I had ever own one. He recently was attacked by a dog who somehow got in my back yard. I thought he was dead because he didn't move at all. But when I got closer I saw him breathing. He doesn' have any viable injuries...
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