not active

  1. sady___

    Not active duckling, type or issue?

    I’m truly stumped. //Backstory This spring we let my broody fawn and white runner sit on a nest, producing two eggs around three days till hatch. The eggs were taken out of the coup and put in an incubator due to their being Drakes, but sadly only one egg ended up hatching, producing a gorgeous...
  2. Emrosenagel

    Bantam not eating, not as active

    Hello! I have a mottled cochin bantam (Gil) about 18 weeks old. She lives with two blue Andalusians that are the same age. Yesterday when I let them out, I noticed that none of them were really eating very much. The blues did a little bit, but Gil didn't at all. She ate grass and whatever bugs...
  3. KaleDaDuck

    How do i cure a chicken that had a egg stuck inside?

    So... my egg layer is kind of broken.. she had a egg stuck inside of her and when i got it out she still stood for 15 minutes not moving and not controlling her self, i gave her some food she ate a lot but still she was on the same chair for 1 hour! should i throw her out not to disease the...
  4. HappyChickens1245

    My chicken could be brooding

    hello BYC, I come to your aid again for my cuckoo maran. She is 2 years old and we got her 2 months ago. She has been fine we let our chickens free range around our backyard. She’s been brooding for almost a week and hasn’t moved out of one corner of the coop. Is it brooding? Is there something...
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