
  1. C

    Overcrowding in coop?

    Hi - I have five silkies. Three are laying and two are still young at about 2 months. I have two Eglu Go coops. The three older ones usually go into one and the two younger ones are supposed to go into the second one. The younger ones just decided they wanted to integrate themselves into the...
  2. Alex998

    Chicken Trying to Escape

    Hello! New chicken owner here, and I have 17 chickens (1 Rooster 16 Hens). One of them is pretty old and is very small, and the other hens (never the rooster) will peck her head and pick on her. There is no visible damage on her head, and no missing feathers. However, whenever I open the egg...
  3. D

    Silly Chickens--avoiding the coop at night time

    Questions? My chickens are nearly 6 months old and I am getting 6 sometimes 7 eggs out of nine chickens daily. My coop is 4 feet wide, 4 feet long and 4 feet tall with two 4 foot long roosting bars and 4 nesting boxes. I also have an automatic chicken door that opens at first light and closes...
  4. H

    All use same coop?

    My chickens free range all day, 9 chickens. I had 4 in a very nice “6 chicken coop” and added 5 now pullets to make the 9 and added another coop that holds about 3 full size (I used it to acclimate the chicks outside till they were big enough to join the others). Both coops have runs (actually...
  5. Lazy Farmer

    Overcrowding Problems, Prevention & Solutions

    What is the recommended square foot per chicken ratio for a large hen house minus the run? Also.. How many Hens should be kept together if you do have a big number? Does mixing different breeds make a difference since some breeds can be more dominant and or aggressive? I am looking forward to...
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