Another broody hen question from a another beginner lol!

I had no idea about the whole corn, I do have the light going though. "Charlotte" one of the other girls is losing patches of belly feathers. If I get her started on whole corn and keep the light going, PLUS some fake eggs in the you think she may make it to full blown broody by next Wednesday at the very latest?

You know, I don't know WHAT I thought a few weeks ago about getting a hen to sit. I honestly never gave it much thought, and/or always assumed that hens just automatically sat on the eggs if they laid them. I am finding out that nature is actually a precision science.
I have to agree with those that are leary about wheather a broody will stay that way for an additional 21 days after hatching her eggs. Her instinct is to take care of the chicks. She has also been on reduced rations and exercise for the 21 days it took her to sit on these eggs. I would be encouraging the second one to go broody with all the tricks mentioned just in case. The homemade incubators are pretty easy to make in a pinch and handy to have around. In an emercency you can use an electric blanket to keep eggs warm for a while. A plastic container like a shoe box with a clamp light over it and possibly a damp cloth under them. These are emergency measures for short periods. Last year a group of folks on BYC tried hatching eggs in their bra's and one fellow fashioned a pouch her wore next to his body. Several were able to hatch chicks in this way. I would not recommend it but in a pinch for several hours or a day you could keep you eggs going untill you could get something else made. I know Crock Pots don't work, I tired and it was way to hot.

Good Luck,
I'm new to this too--chicks just hatching under a broody hen (first time for her and me!).
I guess I would worry about letting her go three more weeks just because she eats so little. AGain, I don't know about this but I am hoping my hen eats and drinks more soon.
Hopefully good news...
Charlotte seems to be really getting broody! She has lost more belly feathers and was "caught" today sitting in the nest like and making cozy.

I am really glad. It seems that Charlotte may be able to set this new set of eggs instead of having Pretty set another clutch.

Does anyone know how long getting into the FULL broody mood will take? You know, when they really want to set and fuss at you and not move?
I had an OEG hen last summer get broody and try setting for a couple of months. She runs the yard with no boyfriends to cavort with, so she kept claiming unfertilized piles of eggs and trying to set em. As long as you provide some close by food and water, I think a hen can safely set for longer than one batch, cause mine sure did and she is still running the yard to this day. I kept trying to break her from setting, (a dip in some cool well water usually does the trick), but she was dead set on hatching some eggs. I am gonna try and catch her and let her set some this year, wife says she deserves it after last summer. Also heard that an aspirin will break em from setting, gets rid of the broody "fever", but haven't tried it to this date.

If you can put together a good bunch of eggs in the nest you see her frequenting, she might just be persuaded to go full broody, then switch to what you want to hatch when you are ready.

I found two hens setting has begun...
I would definately get the $50 incubator, im a low income earner and I also had the same hassles.
Let the chickens stay with their nice warm mummy who will teach them to forage and purr them to sleep!!it saves us alot of work too.
I also wouldnt let my hen sit for too long due to the stress on her body.
This is my opinion and you do whatever is best for your situation,
Best of luck.
Hi bantymum,

I went ahead and bought a still air Little Giant. When my hen hatched out her chicks she was still in a broody mood. But, I couldn't see letting her set the new batch of eggs because her comb looked so pale and I was worried about her health. She was mama to 18 chicks out of 20 eggs. I found homes for 16 of those chicks and have 2 left.

PS: My incubator has 11 Silkie eggs, and 8 OEGB eggs and are due to hatch in 3 to 4 days.
On the advice of our local feed store I got the viatmin/electrolite pack. Should she be fed crunchy cat food or soft? Here in the US, we are experiencing the problem with soft cat food-a huge manufacturer allowed a chemical into the food and pets are being poisoned. I am afraid to feed soft due to that. I never heard of feading cat food. What health benefit does it have, and should roosters also get it?
PS: Yes, I sold the chicks (not the mama). There is great interest in the Old English Game Birds here. I frown upon chicken fighting, as some people use the birds for. I absolutely LOVE the colors in my birds and have found they are extremely hardy and apparently disease resistant. The mamas are good broody girls, and stayed broody even though we checked the eggs often and had to take her out of the box several times to do so. I also LOVE my rooster! He is such a character! When he sees my oldest son, he will stand as tall as he can, puff up his feathers, shake out his wings (trying to make himself BIGGER), and crow! It never fails lol! But, he is the gentlest rooster we could ever have-despite all the show. All my children can hold and pet him-even my 6 year old.

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