Bonding with goslings


May 8, 2024
Hi folks!
Today I purchased four, two week old goslings, and I’m looking for some recommendations to bond with them while they’re still young. Any recommendations help!
Thanks in advance
they love to chew on infant toys i have a whole basket full but they don’t want you to just toss them on the ground for them to play with. They want you to sit there and hold them out for them to chew on. I sit out with my geese every day and sing to them and hold out their toys , when they see me coming with the basket of toys they squeal with delight and run towards me. their favorites are these I get them for five dollars at Dollar General and they come in all different animals like an owl of fox and elephant. Their most favorite is the elephant so I got three of those because they do wear out after a while. They get a lot of chewing action !!


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