It's instinct to roost high. It's a prime location. Lower ranking birds will be forced to lower locations.
Yep, familiar with that concept, but the funny part is that Carrie, the one roosting by herself, is the one who is usually pecking at every one except the two oldest when they're eating or scratching on the ground floor.
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Yep, familiar with that concept, but the funny part is that Carrie, the one roosting by herself, is the one who is usually pecking at every one except the two oldest when they're eating or scratching on the ground floor.

Never heard of it with chickens, but it sure came to mind. 😊
(Tue Jun 4 - Day 47)
Getting dressed to get the oldest kid off to camp around 8AM when I hear a noise. I think it's the dachshund - Chihuahua mix (always crying about something or another, usually food), but it seems faint. Send the kiddo to investigate the chickens (still in the garage while we finish getting the backyard sprinklers sorted) and she says she saw our Roo's mouth open and that noise came out!

I forsee the coop building pace to quicken this week.

Honestly wasn't as loud as I thought it would be, but it absolutely wasn't the tone I expected either. Not much noise after that, so hopefully it's just a wake up call for now. We will continue monitoring the situation. 😂🤣😂

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