Dreaming of Spring Gardening in the Middle of a Wisconsin winter part 2

Apparently, the Universe is having a good laugh at my expense. In addition to deluge of cats and kittens I'm dealing with, now I have a very young baby bunny.

One of the adult cats discovered two bunny nests in the goat pen. I came out to bunny bits, dead and dying bunnies and a single still-alive baby. It's in a shoebox in the garage, box is on a heated seed-starting pad; I tossed in pine shavings and some of the mama fur that was in the nests and have minutely diced up carrot bits and some grass. I don't drink cow's milk, so I'm hoping it can digest water until I can go to the store. I'm not hopeful it will survive, but I couldn't watch the cats play it to death.

I want to stop finding babies of any kind here!!!!
Apparently, the Universe is having a good laugh at my expense. In addition to deluge of cats and kittens I'm dealing with, now I have a very young baby bunny.

One of the adult cats discovered two bunny nests in the goat pen. I came out to bunny bits, dead and dying bunnies and a single still-alive baby. It's in a shoebox in the garage, box is on a heated seed-starting pad; I tossed in pine shavings and some of the mama fur that was in the nests and have minutely diced up carrot bits and some grass. I don't drink cow's milk, so I'm hoping it can digest water until I can go to the store. I'm not hopeful it will survive, but I couldn't watch the cats play it to death.

I want to stop finding babies of any kind here!!!!
Barb, good luck with your bunny
even if you raise it, it is very rare for one to be tame
I knew a neighbor kid who raised rabbits. He successfully raised a cotton tail. but it never tamed down.
made a trip to Menard's again today. we picked the wrong sump pump. it was 3/4 hp, not 1/2.
bro Dave brought his push mower out. His dil used it and said it wouldn't run. We dumped the "gas" out. it was almost pure water. she used his because hers wouldn't run.
apparently her gas can had lots of water in it.
with a little of my unethical gas and some starter spray we had it running in a couple of minutes.
Annie is gone for the evening. staying with a woman who needs supervision and companionship.
she has an illness but the dr. and her caregiver are not telling her. she knows she is ill, but she doesn't think it is serious.. why scare her ? she is 82. took her first motorcycle ride last summer.
The bunny I thought might make it, along with an injured one I didn't think would make it, were both alive at 8:30 last night and both dead at 4 this morning. If they had survived, there is a rehabber in Fort Dodge who would have taken them today.

Congrats on getting the mower to run. I am So Tired of Mowing without the riding mower.

Annie sounds like a very caring woman. And, she can bake pie!!

In between worrying about baby bunnies and little kittens who are learning to walk and will soon be scampering all over the yard, I managed to get everything that I bought in the past week into the ground.

I planted red onions sets, a few strawberry roots (not the best bag but maybe some will make it out of dormancy), heirloom bunching onion seeds and three tiger lilies.

Looks like sunshine today and half of tomorrow, so the little mower and I need to spend a lot of time together before Sunday afternoon.
Barb, don't feel too bad about the bunnies. You did your best.
they are difficult to raise..
6 AM and the sun isn't up yet. 58F already,

my plan today is to get the sump pump installed.

and maybe select some boards for my sister's bench slats
I went out at sunrise to get this picture.
it is the plum tree in it's second year of producing.
the blossoms are really holding on for a long time
good, gives the bees more time to do their thing .


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