Duck keeps getting nosebleeds!

Might be a sinus infection but I can’t say for sure. No vets here on BYC that I know of. You could start him on an antibiotic or take him to a vet. Have you felt this area? Does if feel squishy or hard. I couldn’t find anything about nose bleeds in ducks but found this in chickens and it does mention poor air quality.
It is squishy and the left side is much more swollen than the right ... it definitely seems like an infection :( Thank u so much for the article I'm gonna read it now. Do you know what antibiotics are recommended for something like this? I'm also gonna schedule a vet appointment
If you're going to take him to the vet they will prescribe an antibiotic.

Please let us know what the vet says and how he is doing.

Please don't think the worst since they mention other diseases that are more common with chickens, since your drake isn't showing any other symptoms like off his feed, staying off by himself acting depressed hopefully an antibiotic will clear up the infection if this is what it is.
Hello! I wanted to wait till the end of the day before I update on how Kurt is doing, I'm very scared or jinxing things lol. He had zero nosebleeds today!!!! Appetite + activity level + his behavior is still normal as well, and his nare today seemed less bothered. The one side of his nare still seems a little puffier and more irritated than the other, but the swelling has gone down and it feels much different. Yesterday it was squishy and I spent some time massaging it, nothing came out but I could definitely feel pressure inside. Today though, it felt deflated if that makes sense? No squish or anything hard, so I am really happy and grateful. The soonest I could get in with the duck vet is April 12th and I'm hoping he will be fully recovered by then but I will still be taking him and updating! Today I did a massive deep clean of their coop and fully replaced all straw with new pine chips, and I will be making cleanings much more frequent. Thank you so much everyone for the advice and care towards Kurt!


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Hello! I wanted to wait till the end of the day before I update on how Kurt is doing, I'm very scared or jinxing things lol. He had zero nosebleeds today!!!! Appetite + activity level + his behavior is still normal as well, and his nare today seemed less bothered. The one side of his nare still seems a little puffier and more irritated than the other, but the swelling has gone down and it feels much different. Yesterday it was squishy and I spent some time massaging it, nothing came out but I could definitely feel pressure inside. Today though, it felt deflated if that makes sense? No squish or anything hard, so I am really happy and grateful. The soonest I could get in with the duck vet is April 12th and I'm hoping he will be fully recovered by then but I will still be taking him and updating! Today I did a massive deep clean of their coop and fully replaced all straw with new pine chips, and I will be making cleanings much more frequent. Thank you so much everyone for the advice and care towards Kurt!
He's such a handsome boy, great news to hear the swelling is going down hopefully you can get it completely taken care of. Check inside his bill sometimes they can get things lodged in there. Make sure he always has water deep enough he can dunk his whole head and wash out his nares and eyes. One members goose had a stick lodged under his tongue so it can happen. Thanks for the update and hopefully this means Kurt is on the mend.

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