fuzzi's May (First Time With Shipped Eggs) Hatch-a-Long Thread, all are Welcome!

Rahab is still sitting on two faux eggs, but comes running out of the nesting box when I arrive with treats.

Martha didn't budge, not that I saw. She had a glazed look whenever I checked on her.

Tamar has been fairly faithful. I've seen her off the nest but the eggs are still warm, and I see her head back after food and drink.

Incubator occasionally rotates the eggs on its own, and when I push the button it moves a quarter turn.

Candling again on Day 14, tomorrow?

Then Lockdown on Day 18? Up the humidity at that time? I've been doing a dry incubation, humidity stays around 28-30%.
Day 14

Candled Incubator Eggs

2 - Not sure, dark areas
3 - Not sure, dark areas
8 - Not sure, dark areas
9 - Dark saddle (very dark)
11 - Movement, beak, feathers!!
12 - Movement!!

Flashlight Broody Eggs
1 - Not sure, dark areas
4 - Not sure, dark areas
5 - Not sure, dark areas
6 - Not sure, dark areas
7 - Not sure, dark areas
10 - Not sure, dark areas

Even using an LED flashlight I couldn't see more than dark and light areas in each egg.

The second egg I pulled out from underneath Tamar was totally clear! It had no number on it...someone laid it today when Tamar took a break.

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