Genetic question re: black with red pattern


Premium Feather Member
Nov 7, 2022
I'm curious.

I crossed a JG to RIR hens, and all chicks were black. The one surviving cockerel has bright red markings.

Because of good behavior over 2 generations I decided I wanted his sons for my new flock. I set 10 eggs, 7 of which hatched.

In the 3rd generation the chicks segregated to 3 black and 4 other colors. I gave away the pullets, leaving these guys.

The one black boy is starting to show that same almost blood red at 11 weeks.

While appearance is not part of my goal for this project, I would be tickled if this could stabilize in the breeding group.

Any ideas what genes are involved? I don't think dominant black. Any ideas what genes this group might carry based on the information available?
Any ideas what genes are involved? I don't think dominant black. Any ideas what genes this group might carry based on the information available?
I would expect Extended Black (from the Jersey Giant) with lots of red leakage.

The first lot of chicks being all black is good evidence that you are dealing with Extended Black, rather than something else.

While appearance is not part of my goal for this project, I would be tickled if this could stabilize in the breeding group.
Yes, you probably could stabilize Extended Black with lots of red leakage.

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