Hello everyone from Victoria, Australia

Hi everyone,
My granddaughter brought some chicks home from kindergarten, 2 grew to become roosters and have been rehomed. The 2 hens have been brought out to Nana to look after. ( Taco and Feta) I think Feta may be a Leghorn, but have no idea what breed Taco is (she is black and more friendly than Feta)

This is my first time caring for chooks, we have a chook tracktor that is great for moving the girls around to a clean patch each day, it also keeps them warm and safe.:)

Taco is not in great health, we took her to the vet, the vet showed me that while she looks ok (other than her crown being flopped over) she was actually very under weight. Taco has completed a 5 day course of antibiotics and I am now making a porridge mix for her every morning (oats, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, mealworms and a vitamin supplement). She lost all of her tail feathers, but I have read that could be normal for her breed to malt in autumn. They do seem to be regrowing :) Is there anything else I can do for her?

Thank you
Welcome. As far a diet, you are doing everything right. Did the vet order any tests to determine the cause?
Yes I do have a feed tube for keeping a commercial blend of chicken food for the girls to access as they need.
However, when the vet said that Taco was underweight and I often see the seed mix has been pulled out of the tube and dropped on the ground. I thought some supplementation of fresh food might help.
Yes, you are doing the right thing.
Interesting...tell me more about the benefits of sardines - I am intrigued, especially since my chickens love any kind of fish.
I love to eat the ones in tomato sauce on Saltines. They are little fishies packed in a can with oil, mustard, or tomato sauce. I would presume the ones best for chickens would be the ones in oil. Much like canned salmon, the bones are soft and these are rich in calcium as well as protein and other nutrients.

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