Help picking MORE chickens! Breed suggestions?

For very large porcelain to brown eggs, Buff Orpingtons are great and I also have RIRs, Barred Rocks and Silver Laced Wyandottes. For temperament, you cannot beat the Barred Rocks and Buff Orps, even though my Wyandottes are very sweet girls as well. Today, however, I received a shipment of Speckled Sussex eggs for hatching and was amazed at the size of some of them. All were large to jumbo sizes. Here is one:
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I have:
1 Ameraucana
2 Barred Rocks
2 SL Wyandottes
(and 2 White crested polish because I lost all self control one day)

Of all my four week old girls, the RIR and Barred Rocks are the most friendly and inquisitive. The Wyandotte girls are fairly skittish, and the Ameraucana is quite shy and nervous. The Poles are too young to judge right now.

My "Rockettes" are hilarious pranksters and I'd highly recommend them.


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