HELP! Rooster with no comb??!!


In the Brooder
Mar 9, 2024
Weird question that probably is really dumb -

I have this chick that is now around six weeks old that I thought was a pulley the whole time, but now I’m second guessing myself.

It struts like a rooster constantly, is definitely “in charge” of the other pullets, is a bit aggressive towards me (will run/fly at at me if I enter their area) and always leads the others around…I would be convinced except for one thing, it doesn’t really have a comb, like at all. It’s an easter egger, I’m not sure if that makes a difference. Is there any chance it could be a rooster if it doesn’t have a comb at six weeks old?


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It certainly looks like a pullet for now. But 6 weeks is young yet, it could still grow a more rooish comb yet. I'd keep an eye on it for now, it may be more clear in a few weeks.
Okay, thank you! Hoping it’s a hen because we can’t keep a rooster due to our surrounding neighbors :(
Their is always a pecking order for chickens so that one may be head hen and taking on the job of rooster. I would say it's a pullet.

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