Hen with intestinal blockage - Not sure what's best for her

I had to put Boba down yesterday. She was just getting worse and worse despite all the meds and was starting to have trouble holding her head up sometimes. I knew it'd be hard to lose her but this is so much worse than I thought it would be. I really miss her, she was so special. I just wish more than anything that she was still here. And the guilt is really intense. I keep wondering if there's anything I could have done differently that would have led to her staying here with me. And I feel guilty about putting her down. Like maybe it was too soon, or maybe it was not soon enough. I don't know, I just feel like I went wrong somewhere and I'm so sad about it. I know she was "just a chicken" but I loved her so much.

Here's a couple of pictures of her I'd like to share. A moment I tried to sneak a picture of when she was cuddling with my dog in the yard, back when she was happy and healthy. And one before she died, when I brought her outside to see the sun and all her friends for a few more hours and she briefly perked up a bit.


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I'm so sorry. It's really difficult to lose our feathered friends. If she was having trouble holding her head up and you felt like it was time, trust in yourself. You tried to help her recover and that's a lot. Please give yourself some credit. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing the pictures of her. She was a beautiful girl 💕 I'm sending you virtual hugs 🙏🏻
I'm so sorry. It's really difficult to lose our feathered friends. If she was having trouble holding her head up and you felt like it was time, trust in yourself. You tried to help her recover and that's a lot. Please give yourself some credit. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing the pictures of her. She was a beautiful girl 💕 I'm sending you virtual hugs 🙏🏻
Thank you so much. You're right, I need to remind myself that I did the best I can. Hopefully it gets easier to tell myself that with time.
I am so sorry for your loss. Boba was a beautiful chicken and she was lucky to have you for an owner because you were able to do a lot more than some of us might have been able to do. I don't have any avian vets even near me and at least she got good care by you. You are in my prayers. Our feathered friends always seem to have a special place in our hearts.

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