Hey pumpkin peeps I need help!

You can use duct tape to pull the eggs off, wrap a piece around you two fingers and then put it against the eggs, will pull it right off without hurting the leaf.

Good to know!!
I will pick some of that up while at Home Depot this morning.

I really hate crop killing bugs!
Stinking grasshoppers ate my marigolds. Heavy hard rain and wind broke/smashed my tomatoes down to just 2' tall, bunnies nibbled my baby beans leaving only 5 plants and to many clouds stunted my bell peppers.

I may give up on the garden this season and let the chickens out daily to have at what's left and all those grasshoppers.
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Good to know!!
I will pick some of that up while at Home Depot this morning.

I really hate crop killing bugs!
Stinking grasshoppers ate my marigolds. Heavy hard rain and wind broke/smashed my tomatoes down to just 2' tall, bunnies nibbled my baby beans leaving only 5 plants and to many clouds stunted my bell peppers.

I may give up on the garden this season and let the chickens out daily to have at what's left and all those grasshoppers.
Apparently grasshoppers LOVE wheat germ. I’ve laced wheat germ with powdered Sevin, and put that in the garden on the ground or on leaves (no flowers) where grasshoppers eat it. It is most effective before they get really big bc they need to eat more of it. So, next spring/summer when you see the little grasshoppers, you can try this -refresh it after rain, or after several days. You should see a bigger impact the following year (2025) bc fewer grasshoppers to lay eggs that overwinter. But, you’ll probably have a robust grasshopper population next year, so plan ahead.

I haven’t done this yet, and am behind. But, I’ll try to get some out today. Hopefully can impact the population so but do many eggs laid. The hoppers in my garden aren’t large yet, but impacting the plants .
Well.....I decided to let the plant go.
We had a dying apricot tree and when the city moved the power line they ran it through the peach tree.

This morning has been spent removing 2 mature trees.
The pumpkin goes next.

I bought 2 new peach trees and will locate them away from the power line. I plan to put one where the pumpkin is.
Good to know!!
I will pick some of that up while at Home Depot this morning.

I really hate crop killing bugs!
Stinking grasshoppers ate my marigolds. Heavy hard rain and wind broke/smashed my tomatoes down to just 2' tall, bunnies nibbled my baby beans leaving only 5 plants and to many clouds stunted my bell peppers.

I may give up on the garden this season and let the chickens out daily to have at what's left and all those grasshoppers.
Gardening is mostly trying not to kill your plants and trying to prevent weather from killing them 😂

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