Looking for budgie breeding advice


Jan 27, 2022
I want to get back into budgie breeding. I've bred 3 clutches about 3-4 years ago, so I know the basics. However I need some advice on which birds to breed and how to make the pairs.

I currently have 3 budgies:
  • 5 year old male. He is the father of the other two. Unfortunately his mate died 1.5 years ago.
  • Almost 4 year old male.
  • 3 year old female.
I'm not sure which of them to breed. If the 5 year old male was introduced to a new female would he accept a new mate or will he never accept a new mate again? Or maybe he is too old to breed?

The nearly 4 year old male seems to be the best choice. He's fairly tame, active, chatty and flies around like a normal budgie should. He currently lives with the female, but they have no interest in each other what so ever which is good because they're full siblings. If I separated them I assume he may accept a new female?

The 3 year old female is absolutely gorgeous and I really want some chicks from her. My only concern is that due to being terrified of people she never left her cage up until recently, so I think she may be a bit overweight and isn't any good at flying. She often crashes into things and waits for me to come rescue her. Would this be an issue if I decided to breed her?
Starting today I will improve their diet. The 5 year old male was flirting and trying to regurgitate food to a wooden toy of his, so I think he may accept a new mate.
I'm going to encourage the female budgie to fly more. She is very interested in the fruits and veggies I'm giving them, so I hope everything is going to be well for her.

I think I might look for a mate for the 5 year old male first, because he lives alone and seems to miss a female's company.
According to some breeders females should be retired at 3 and males at 5. But if your that keen on breeding I def would look onto getting a new male if the females related to both males. As breeding full siblings is a bad idea. I mean you can breed back to father but for what reason? If your not inproving the species then id get an unrelated male. And budgies do not bond for life no animal does thats a myth. All you would have to do is speratate a male for a few days where he can't see a female then add a female days later and they will mate.
According to some breeders females should be retired at 3 and males at 5. But if your that keen on breeding I def would look onto getting a new male if the females related to both males. As breeding full siblings is a bad idea. I mean you can breed back to father but for what reason? If your not inproving the species then id get an unrelated male. And budgies do not bond for life no animal does thats a myth. All you would have to do is speratate a male for a few days where he can't see a female then add a female days later and they will mate.
I agree with this! I'd recommend not breeding the 5 year old male and pair the siblings with new male and female budgies.

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