Multi-Chick ID Help: Some mysteries to me, and some I'm second guessing.

Hi, all! I ordered 15 (+1 "mystery chick") of "Murray's Choice Layers" from McMurray Hatchery, and there are a few I haven't been able to positively identify. They are supposed to be pullets (except for likely the "mystery chick," which I also can't determine). I figured I'd post to see if anyone has any guesses. Thanks in advance for an insight!

View attachment 3825472
1. Smoky gray and yellow down (hard to see the smokiness in the sunlight), developing all white feathers. Yellow legs and beak, rose or pea comb. Slightly larger than other chicks.

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2. All black chick, aside from a small lighter colored patch of down near backside on belly. Feathers coming in solid black. Black legs & beak, single comb.

View attachment 3825479
3. Mostly black chick. White on throat, eyebrows, and belly. Feathers coming in solid black. Yellow feet with black shanks, comb is small & looks like it's either a single or possibly a pea comb.

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4. Red chick with some darker speckles on feathers. Yellow feet and beak, single comb. I'm guessing a RIR, but am not positive.

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5. Lighter red chick with white dot on head. Feathers developing an interesting pattern. Single comb, yellow beak, yellow-to-slightly green legs.

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6. I have 4 of these chicks and my best guess is a Silver Spangled Hamburg, but I've never owned one before so I'm unsure. Down was smoky patterned with some yellow, feathers developing with more black. Slate legs and beaks, rose combs.

View attachment 3825488
7. Smallest of the chicks. Brown head with smoky and brown/black patterned down. Developing feathers more slowly than other chicks. Greenish legs, yellow beak, single comb. Best guess is an Egyptian Fayoumi, but again, I've never actually had one so I'm not sure.

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8. I think this is one of their "Ameraucana" chicks (Easter Egger), but the head pattern is throwing me off. Others I've ordered through them have had more of a chipmunk pattern, but this one more closely resembles the head of my buttercup chicks. It also has a single comb instead of a pea comb, and no muff/tufts/beard feathers. I know EE's vary a great deal though, but figured I'd see if anyone thought anything else. Slate legs, yellow beak, single comb (which seems to be developing faster than others, so maybe a roo?)
The last us definitely a EE
The last us definitely a EE
I have more update pics!

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 8.37.30 AM.png
1: Still not sure, but thinking an all white "Ameraucana" (EE) because of her legs and maybe a bit of face tufts developing

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 8.38.11 AM.png
2: Unsure. McMurray has a few all black breeds that look like her.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 8.38.23 AM.png
3: Thinking maybe an Australorp.

4: No pic. She's definitely a Rhode Island Red, though.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 8.38.35 AM.png
5: Chicks were supposed to be pullets, but this is starting to look like a Bielefelder cockerel to me. McMurray's EE's (they sell as "Ameraucanas") have all had pea combs in my experience. This one has a very pronounced single comb, and remains bigger than all but the white chick.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 8.38.58 AM.png
6: Definitely have 4 Silver Spangled Hamburgs

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 8.38.47 AM.png
7: Definitely was correct that she is an Egyptian Fayoumi.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 8.39.07 AM.png
8: Definitely a cockerel. Thinking he's probably a Golden Campine.
I have more update pics!

View attachment 3842213
1: Still not sure, but thinking an all white "Ameraucana" (EE) because of her legs and maybe a bit of face tufts developing

View attachment 3842214
2: Unsure. McMurray has a few all black breeds that look like her.

View attachment 3842215
3: Thinking maybe an Australorp.

4: No pic. She's definitely a Rhode Island Red, though.

View attachment 3842216
5: Chicks were supposed to be pullets, but this is starting to look like a Bielefelder cockerel to me. McMurray's EE's (they sell as "Ameraucanas") have all had pea combs in my experience. This one has a very pronounced single comb, and remains bigger than all but the white chick.

View attachment 3842217
6: Definitely have 4 Silver Spangled Hamburgs

View attachment 3842218
7: Definitely was correct that she is an Egyptian Fayoumi.

View attachment 3842219
8: Definitely a cockerel. Thinking he's probably a Golden Campine.
5 looks like turning into a beautiful cockeral and 8 is a beautiful boy too

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