Pure bred flocks vs mixed flocks - pros and cons please!

This is what my flock consists of I prefer a mixed flock because of cool new mixes you can get from them like I have buff dipped Orpingtons which are lavender orp a mixed with buff that makes them look like a black Orpington dipped in the buff color.

1 Barred Plymouth Rock hen, laying, Sarah, 57 weeks old,

1 Dominque hen, laying, Winifred, 57 weeks

1 Black Copper Maran rooster, mating, Hei Hei, 53 weeks old

1 Easter Egger hen, laying, Jelly Bean, 53 weeks old

1 Lavender Orpington Rooster, mating, Foghorn, 60 weeks old

1 Black copper Maran Hen, laying, Chungus, 60 weeks old

1 Buff Orpington Hen, laying, Mrs. Priss, 57 weeks

2nd GEN

1 maran mix pullet, not laying, Chimkin, 11 weeks

1 maran lavender Orpington mix pullet, not laying, Dottie, 14 weeks

7 olive egger straight run, not mature, rheba for one and no names for the rest, 6 weeks

1 Maran mix straight run, not laying, 6 weeks

1 Dominique mix cockerel, not mating, 6 weeks

1 barred rock mix cockerel, not mating, 6 weeks

1 olive Egger pullet, not laying, 6 weeks

Free ranging Tic and rodent patrol

1 brown leghorn, mating, Pepè Le pew, 60 weeks

1 Buff dipped Orpington Pullet, not laying, Baby girl, 14 weeks

1 maran mix cockerel, not mating, Shiner, 14 weeks

2 lavender guineas straight run, not mature, Smoky and Ash, 2 weeks

2 pearl guineas straight run, not mature, Gramm and Cracker, 2 weeks

2 white guineas straight run, not mature, Marsh and Mallow, 2 weeks

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