Squishy crop, nothing else wrong?


Nov 18, 2023
She is 2.5 years old, and she had a crop impaction a month ago. I managed to fix it with coconut oil and massages. However, since then, her crop has been kind of loose and squishy and round, like a stress ball. No smell from her mouth, her poop is normal as I can tell. She eats well and drinks normally. Even when she has eaten all day her crop is pretty squishy and slightly round. My other chickens crops feel kind of hard and rigid after they eat. Kind of weird - is this a post-impaction thing? If anyone has any answers, please let me know!

ALSO, another of my chickens might have a crop impaction- her crop feels hard, lumpy, and I can feel a large solid mass in it. I will check in the morning if it has emptied but if not, I will do the process of massaging it again.
Sometimes some of my hens will have a crop like that, it'll be more squishy than firm, and seem to be like that all the time. Check her crop the next morning and see how it feels, as long as its empty I wouldn't worry a whole lot.

I hope your other hen doesn't have a crop impaction!

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