Stray Chicken


In the Brooder
Sep 17, 2023
The past several days there has been a stray (I assume barred rock) hanging around my coop on the other side of the neighbors fence obviously checking out my chickens.

I know the neighbors don’t have chickens so I don’t know where it came from but I’m wondering if I should take it in. I’ve heard a rooster nearby but this looks like a hen to me. Can anyone more knowledgeable than me tell?

It's a barred rock hen. I would talk to the neighbors and see if they won't let you go on their property and catch it. Best to keep her away from your own flock, as a precaution from disease. Then I would search for the owners. If you can't find them, I'd keep it, but it will need a quarantine period of at least 3 weeks to be safe.
It's a barred rock hen. I would talk to the neighbors and see if they won't let you go on their property and catch it. Best to keep her away from your own flock, as a precaution from disease. Then I would search for the owners. If you can't find them, I'd keep it, but it will need a quarantine period of at least 3 weeks to be safe.
I actually do have an idea of whose it might be because they let their rabbits roam freely in everyone’s yards and I’ve suspected they may have chickens too. If it’s them, they are very unapproachable so I’m not sure what to do. Anyways thanks for the input!
She’s beautiful. Perhaps she likes your home better than her own. She’s obviously attracted to the sounds of your flock. Catch her and quarantine before a predator finds her. IF nobody claims her, congratulations for finding such a pretty (and free) chicken. 😊
I actually do have an idea of whose it might be because they let their rabbits roam freely in everyone’s yards and I’ve suspected they may have chickens too. If it’s them, they are very unapproachable so I’m not sure what to do. Anyways thanks for the input!
That makes things more difficult for sure. Perhaps tell the neighbor whose property they are on about the situation, and let them decide what to do.

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