Which is the best feeder?

The correct answer to this is to keep buying different feeders until you have at least 6 in the back of the shed gathering cobwebs before you settle on the one you like.
It can take up to 12 feeders to achieve feeder satisfaction. I'm guessing there is more than one member here to thinks 12 is rookie numbers 😛
If you are proper hardcore you will scour the articles section and the interwebs. Then get into chopping up buckets, plywood, water cooler bottles and pvc pipe and make at least 7 prototypes for the perfect diy feeder that is no waste, vermin proof, wild bird proof, holds 57 bags of feed and is bpa free.
It should also magically turn all your feed organic and keep away the Illuminati, aliens, Bigfoot and the government and eventually make all your hens lay golden eggs :p

Seriously though, I use a traditional 10lb hanging feeder and 2 diy bucket feeders. I think the girls prefer the hanging feeder but that thing empties in a matter of days and I don't consider one feeder enough. My run is covered, fenced in and there are several stray cats who are excellent hunters that hang around so rain, rodents and wild birds aren't a huge concern for me. I just needed something cheap and big, so it really depends on your setup and what you're trying to accomplish
Can you show a pic of your goat style feeder? This actually sounds more feasible for us (we're in the Southern US and yeah its humid and rainy a lot) and I don't mind the extra bit of work to not have to deal with mold.

It's this one, although the pic of the black feeder makes it hard to see its shape.
Tractor Supply - Fortiflex Animal Feeder

The front lip that slopes forward also has a recurve to it, which makes it hard for them to bill feed out. Placed at the right height they can't get their feet in either. Once I made the mistake of placing it too high so they just jumped up on it instead. But down a fence segment and they returned to eating as normal.
Our chicken yard looks like someone decided to try out every kind of feeder from the store. Very mismatched, lol.

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