Recent content by AmeraucanaChicken

  1. AmeraucanaChicken

    Poults just won't live!

    That's good to hear! Yes, I've definitely had experiences with them flipping on their back and being stuck, though most of the times they kicked themselves upright again. Only floppy-neck couldn't, but there was a lot he couldn't.
  2. AmeraucanaChicken

    Newly hatched poults can't stand, has floppy neck.

    Out of my twenty-one bourbon reds, that was only the case with one. Unfortunately he died. The others were a case of a starve-out which I'm working on solving. I'm not entirely sure how you can help the floppy-necks, and I think at the point at least mine was at, it was a lost cause.
  3. AmeraucanaChicken

    Poults just won't live!

    I had this same problem with bourbon reds I got. They were all dying. I made them a mash which they were very delighted to eat out of my hand as well as chick food with some marbles mixed in, and it appears to be working so far, even though it might be a bit soon to tell.
  4. AmeraucanaChicken

    Baby Turkey wont eat!!!

    I'd like to express my appreciation for this thread! My first experience with two turkeys was very simple, and they were just fine (possibly because they were raised alongside several chicks). However, I recently ordered twenty-one bourbon reds from a hatchery and had five casualties before...
  5. AmeraucanaChicken


  6. AmeraucanaChicken

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I believe deep cleaning. Tidying up is kind of something you can do anytime that doesn't require too much time at least for me.
  7. AmeraucanaChicken

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I pretty much clean my coop whenever it needs it without any set time. We used to try a deep clean once a month, but now it generally depends. We are using a different coop then we were before, and it is very low maintenance. Besides making sure the floor has bedding and the nesting boxes are...
  8. AmeraucanaChicken

    My duck is sitting on eggs, but i can’t have anymore ducks, what to do?

    Yes, you need to take the eggs from her. Eventually she will get over it and move on. I've also heard that dunking the bird in cold water will shock her out of it, though I have never had the pleasure of trying it. However, there are places like Deer Run Farm (where I ordered some purebred...
  9. AmeraucanaChicken

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    Ha, none. I have no ducks. Chicken-wise though, about three. I have thirty-five chickens though. Some are too young; some are too old; some are roosters; some are molting; and some lay who-knows-where. It's funny.
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