Recent content by applethechicken

  1. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    her breathing is better in the morning. Less fast and labored. She still opens her mouth slightly when breathing though.
  2. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    for the past 2 nights when I put her to bed, she was breathing with her mouth open a little, and I offered her water and she was better. None during the day in the past few days. But today there was, like in the video, and her breathing is even more labored at night when I put her to bed...
  3. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    She did get food into her airway around 4 days ago and sneezed very strongly a few times. She was eating damp feed by herself, which she always eats that. But after that she seemed normal. Maybe that caused the stridor? What can I do to treat this? I don't feel any swelling or bloat between her...
  4. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    So my wyandotte finished her parasite medication days, and a few days ago her crop was empty in the morning. However, for the past 2-3 days she still has food in her crop in the morning. It isn't hard; I can move it, and it's not liquid. No strong order from her mouth. I've been giving her...
  5. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    Thank you. I got Valbazen from my TSC. I saw someone recommend on another thread to give it in the morning before food when their system is empty, since it'll work better, but I don't want to wait until tomorrow morning, since I found another one a little bit lethargic/ slower than usual. Is it...
  6. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    Thank you, I am addressing the crop issue. She is eating and drinking and a bit more active. Today is day 3 of giving her safeguard, and I found this parasite in her poop. I attached a pic. Can you let me know what type of parasite this is? I need to treat the entire flock in this case, but two...
  7. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    not rock hard. before she drank water, it was hard but still pliable. after she drank some water, it was easy to move around. I gave her a few massages. She ate some grit this morning. I'll double check to see if there's a smell. Here is a poop from this morning, before she ate. also, I have...
  8. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    I attached a few pictures of her and her poop from the night. No visible parasites, foul smell, and contains undigested grains. She has a golf ball sized crop this morning, so I gave her a few massages. She also drank alittle when I held water up to her, but not a lot. She is eating steamed egg.
  9. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    I don't have the body anymore, but if others pass I will send it to my state lab. I checked my feed and nothing is molded. they are in a large enclosed run that is mostly roofed, so no visible mold on the ground either. She does dig in the ground a lot and eat whatever she finds. I will check...
  10. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    Thank you. unfortunately, she passed later in the afternoon. But I have another one (wyandotte) who is also a little bit lethargic and closing her eyes. She is only 9 months old, so she didn't molt in the fall, but hasn't laid eggs since mid December. Her poops are also runny with a. foul...
  11. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    @Wyorp Rock @azygous @Eggcessive If one of you can help me, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
  12. applethechicken

    Help! Slow crop, lethargic, and not eating

    I have a black australorp hen who is not eating, lethargic, closing eyes, and has a medium sized crop this morning. The crop consistency was not liquidly, but still pliable. There is no apparent smell from her beak. Also no sores or weird things in the mouth. Poops have been inconsistent, small...
  13. applethechicken

    can parrots get chicken coccidiosis?

    I have two cockatiels, and I was wondering if parrots could be affected by chicken coccidiosis? Or are chicken coccidiosis poultry exclusive? I always change clothes and wear gloves when I go outside to handle my chickens, especially when they're sick, but I'm just wondering.
  14. applethechicken

    Chicken laying shell less/ thin shelled eggs in the middle of the night on roosts

    my last update was Tuesday, when she laid a shell less egg. I gave her a full pill around noon, and yesterday Wednesday she laid a good egg, at the correct time! Still gave her a full pill yesterday, and she laid another good egg today! She got half a pill today because she shouldn't be laying...
  15. applethechicken

    Chicken laying shell less/ thin shelled eggs in the middle of the night on roosts

    so I gave her half a pill on 5/3, and a full pill on 5/4, and she finally laid a shelled egg at her normal time on 5/5, but the shell was still on the thinner side. I gave her half a pill on 5/5 (good egg day), 5/6 (her rest day), and 5/7, which she laid laid under the roosts. The egg didn't...
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