Recent content by azygous

  1. azygous

    My elderly chicken started laying eggs. I think some shell might remain inside her...

    Multiple threads on the same subject with only partial information don't benefit anyone. This is an object lesson. I prefer not to waste my time on them.
  2. azygous

    My elderly chicken started laying eggs. I think some shell might remain inside her...

    Give her raw egg white to eat. It's slimier that the oil and would coat the shell better. You left out the part about how the shell came to be broken and what leads you to believe it broke. The complete story might affect how we advise you. We might conclude something else is going on.
  3. azygous

    Rooster puffed up, lethargic, watery white and yellow poop

    It's more likely a bacterial infection or coccidiosis than Marek's. Marek's usually presents with other symptoms at its onset. Do you have any antibiotics on hand? I'd treat for coccidiosis and infection.
  4. azygous

    How old do these babies look?

    I would just keep adding to this thread. Beware of overly friendly baby chicks. They grow up to be love junkies. Half my flock are in this category. But one in particular follows me around loudly demanding to be picked up and cuddled, not backing off one iota until I do. Her reaction to being...
  5. azygous

    Scorpuons and pesticides

    Here's a quart size...
  6. azygous

    Scorpuons and pesticides

    You may treat crawl spaces that are not accessible to chickens with whatever insecticide you've been using, but you must not use it on the outside portion of your foundation as it will be toxic to chickens. Chickens themselves are an all purpose insecticide, do not forget. They will happily eat...
  7. azygous

    How old do these babies look?

    You learned a lesson about light reflection and the color of light. Our eyes see best when the object reflects lots of light. Red swallows up more light that it reflects, so it's very difficult to see the object, let alone detail. The problem with amateur photography is that most people aren't...
  8. azygous


    It's a miniature quail. I don't know how I missed that little detail. Of course you would need to scale the dosage down for a tiny creature like this. Perhaps run a few tablets through a coffee grinder and feed the crumbles. Dosage isn't a precise issue. Getting adequate calcium into the bird is...
  9. azygous


    Be aware, if you aren't already, your hen is in crisis and could die. The longer this goes on, the harder it will be to resolve. A few things done now could make a difference. I would give calcium citrate instead of Tums as it is a form of calcium that is easy to absorb so it works very...
  10. azygous

    Baby chick brown wet poop

    Think of electrolytes as a stabilizing "med". We use electrolytes to treat shock and stress and dehydration. Baby chicks almost always suffer some degree of shipping stress so we give them electrolytes in the first few days after bringing them home. Any time any chicken behaves sickly, we use...
  11. azygous

    Baby chick brown wet poop

    Watery poop is not a concern unless the chick is also behaving lethargically. Poop can vary in water content according to how much water is consumed. Electrolytes are not recommended for long periods as the salts can build up and create electrolyte imbalance. They also cause chicks to drink...
  12. azygous

    Blending your chicks and their roost bar

    I've had good luck accommodating different ages and temperaments on the same perch by installing partitions.
  13. azygous

    X-ray of Eggbound Hen- Vet Was confusing

    The vet treated for egg binding in a thorough manner. The calcium combined with oxytocin is practically guaranteed to stimulate strong contractions. If that didn't produce an egg, then it's likely something else going on. And given how long this has been going on, it's probably not an egg.
  14. azygous

    What do I do now?

    Lots of questions. First, nothing to worry about until the new ones are on the threshold of hormones. Hormones, usually around five or six months, do effect behavior changes. But you won't know how they will all relate until the time comes. It isn't always predictable and breed and genes are...
  15. azygous

    Sour Crop antifungal dosage for Serama

    Miconazole doesn't require precise dosing. For standard chickens I usually use half and inch to an inch of cream twice a day for seven days. So your pea size dose is in the ball park. I prefer to use a bit more to avoid the dose not being enough. No harm.
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