Recent content by Boogins44

  1. B

    Can someone help identify my chick breeds/genders?

    Here are a few updated pictures of the black Austrolarp chick. Can anyone tell if it will be a Roo or pullet at this point? As of today he/she is about 7 or 8 weeks old.
  2. B

    Can someone help identify my chick breeds/genders?

    Thank you! I was leaning towards black sex-linked on the first one, but I wasn't sure. There are so many breeds with black and yellow chicks out there, and Google lens can only get you so far lol. Sorry about the duplicate images. I was attempting to show all of them in different angles, but...
  3. B

    Can someone help identify my chick breeds/genders?

    Around late March my daughter was gifted 4 chicks from Tractor Supply. The person who gave them to us chose chicks at random, and wasn't able to tell me if they were straight runs or pullets, or the breeds. The next day I added 4 more to our flock (2 RIRs, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 partridge...
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