Recent content by cardi0

  1. cardi0

    Is this some type of illness

    He did not make it, poor guy. Too bad. He was having movement troubles because of it and eventually succumbed. I tried warm water spray a dozen times on him. If it ever happens again I'll use the sponge too. Thanks for the input.
  2. cardi0

    Is this some type of illness

    Hi, I finally got chicks! Hooray! This one is late hatcher and had shell stuck to him. Will he recover, it has been almost two days and he still has not fluffed up. What should I do for him? I'd like to pull him out but fear he might have something contagious. Pleas advise.
  3. cardi0

    Incubatating laying on the side on pointy end down

    Oh wow. I always did an even number of times. Such a simple solution yet it never came to my mind. Thank you sir!
  4. cardi0

    Incubatating laying on the side on pointy end down

    Thanks for the prompt answer. Much appreciated. What about manual turning during sleep hours? Is 8h too much for them to be left unturned? I've had little success in previous tries.
  5. cardi0

    Incubatating laying on the side on pointy end down

    Hi, I've found different info online. Some say to lay the eggs on the side for incubation others to lay it on the side only on the 14th day & keep it upright up to that point. Who is right? Also optimum humidity for Coturnix Japonica is ~45+% for incubation and 65+% in lockdown. Correct? Thanks...
  6. cardi0

    HELP - Day 20 Quail Coturnix Japonica

    Hey thanks for prompt reply. I wrote in the first post that my incubator is handmade. So it is the worst there is. But if girls can incubate in bra this has to work to some extent too. :) Tell me people, when should I start opening them to see if I can save them? I don't want them dying inside...
  7. cardi0

    HELP - Day 20 Quail Coturnix Japonica

    Hi and thanks for the response. I believe it was cracked from something else because it does not look like a pip. There is also another similar one but non of the others have it. Darker egg has a wider crack while the light one has a hair like fracture. Find the images below and post your...
  8. cardi0

    HELP - Day 20 Quail Coturnix Japonica

    No one wrote here for an hour so I drilled one with a needle. It had a crack on the side so I figured I had nothing to lose. The inner sack was pulsating and sometimes protruding. It is alive indeed just way late compared to schedule. P.S. I patched the hole with duct tape. Do you think it will...
  9. cardi0

    HELP - Day 20 Quail Coturnix Japonica

    Hi, I am as much informed as newcomer can be. On day 14 I put in lockdown ~30 dark fertile quail eggs with only air sacks glowing under flashlight. Now it is day 20 and I got no movement nor pips. Earlier discarded eggs(that had not turned fully dark) had developed chicks inside that died...
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