Recent content by chicken head34

  1. chicken head34

    placement question?

    In not sure if this is the right topic to post this under but... Im getting a new big coop tommorrw, my current coop is three seperate off the ground one. My question is who should i put in the new coop? i have three silkies one of which is a rooster, a pair of phoenix, and two hen cochins. this...
  2. chicken head34

    .Horse meat.

    Personally im a Vegetarian, and a HUGE! horse lover and cant imagine eating an animal.. just sayin. Im not dissing on anyone that eats meat or anything, thats just how i feel.
  3. chicken head34

    quail and pheasants??

    Thanks, twocrowsranch:)
  4. chicken head34

    cage requirements???

    hello, Whats the minimum cage requirement for a pair of pheasants??
  5. chicken head34

    quail and pheasants??

    hello, Can you keep quail and pheasants in the same pen??
  6. chicken head34

    phoenix fight?

    I was wanting to expand my coop and make a phoenix section but worried about two roos fighting.... My silver rooster was housed with other roosters won i got him do you think he would fight if i bring in a new roo??
  7. chicken head34


    is there a still a swap tommorrow??
  8. chicken head34

    pretty new and pretty confused??

    shes been sitting on them for about two weeks
  9. chicken head34

    pretty new and pretty confused??

    I never cracked any open... how can you tell if there fertile when you crack them? and no most of the time i take them out of the pen and incubate them but she was laying on theses so i decided to candle them and see if anything was in there.
  10. chicken head34

    Special needs chickens contest

    i just wanted to say i think thats really amazing what yall do for these chickens instead of just culling them yall let them live a life. I admire yall for that(: and Barrdwing thats so cool what you did for the little guy im sure he really appreciates it(:
  11. chicken head34

    pretty new and pretty confused??

    The roos about a year old... and the hens were bought july, 25 and when i got them they where already 2 months old. Are they to young?
  12. chicken head34

    pretty new and pretty confused??

    Okay so i have a silkie roo and two silkie hens... well one of my hens keeps laying on eggs but when i candle them i see nothing but spots ( i looked at one of the threads about egg candleing and my eggs look nothing like that) So im confused??? am i doing something wrong??? is it the rooster...
  13. chicken head34

    My first chicks of the year

    awww....! there sooo cute!! im so jealous!
  14. chicken head34

    *`*`*Little Chickie Photo Contest! *`*`* WINNERS ANNOUNCED!! *'*'*'*

    Sophie my blue cochin.... (sniffle) they grow up soo fast:/
  15. chicken head34


    soooooo..... long time no see! whos goin to the swap this month??
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