Recent content by Clearwater Chicken

  1. Clearwater Chicken

    The D'Belgain War *An awesome roleplay*

    Quill Is maddened by this turn of events, he tries and thinks about what he can do to get rid of the dogs. Suddenly an idea comes to him. He calls a retreat of the D'anver troops and most of them follow. Back at the camp, He tells them his new brilliant plan. STOP READING TOP SECRET!! TOP SECRET...
  2. Clearwater Chicken

    The D'Belgain War *An awesome roleplay*

    @Laura_BelgianBantams_63 (Rping Now) Quill rushes too roulettes side helping her to the infirmary. He then Looks for tango and spots her on her despicable dog. He then charges at her and slams her off the dog.
  3. Clearwater Chicken

    The D'Belgain War *An awesome roleplay*

    Thanks I like being back, i forgot about BYC but i will read the thread from where i left off and start Rping again
  4. Clearwater Chicken

    Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess When We'll Reach 425,000 Members!

    am, and if that doesn't work how about 8 pm that same day 10/24/2020
  5. Clearwater Chicken

    The D'Belgain War *An awesome roleplay*

    Not Rping, I have found BYC again, hello to everyone on here and hopefully i will start RPing again if @Laura_BelgianBantams_63 lets me
  6. Clearwater Chicken

    Breed help, please!

    thanks for that but themain reason is i couldn't tell compared to the un muffed ones
  7. Clearwater Chicken

    Kiki's Disney Doggone Dinner Dance

    Good Morning everyone
  8. Clearwater Chicken

    Breed help, please!

    hmm , i didn't notice how can you tell?
  9. Clearwater Chicken

    Kiki's Disney Doggone Dinner Dance

    ???? I be confused
  10. Clearwater Chicken

    Kiki's Disney Doggone Dinner Dance

    My family used to joke that luxury was having a lawnmower that worked.
  11. Clearwater Chicken

    Kiki's Disney Doggone Dinner Dance

    I have to mow today, I HATE MOWING. but at least it keeps the yard looking nice
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