Recent content by CluelessChickMom

  1. CluelessChickMom

    Fermenting Homemade Whole Food Chicken Feed

    You are correct about the ingredients and 3/4 of my above comment disappeared but no biggy.
  2. CluelessChickMom

    Fermenting Homemade Whole Food Chicken Feed

    Truth be told I believe most of those federal acronym agencies are beyond corrupt. It's all about money so the little guy gets squeezed out. Just look at the pharmaceutical industry, but that's a whole 'nother topic. 😉
  3. CluelessChickMom

    Fermenting Homemade Whole Food Chicken Feed

    I don't mean to spoil all the fun and great suggestions, but some of us have more time than money. Electric fence equipment can be expensive and she mentioned in one of her posts that she sometimes buys from Sprouts on EBT. Lest anyone judge, we are not all sucking off the government teet...
  4. CluelessChickMom

    Fermenting Homemade Whole Food Chicken Feed

    I'm cleaning rabbits and guinea pigs right now so I will give better response later, hopefully. I'm not certain that I am qualified to judge. I am asking questions, researching and learning as a first-time chicken mama. I have been carefully reading labels on all of my animal feed and also my...
  5. CluelessChickMom

    Fermenting Homemade Whole Food Chicken Feed

    Do you not think the commercial feeds are full of stuff that is not good for them when you check the ingredients. I'm not happy with what I see.
  6. CluelessChickMom

    Rye sprouts for feed. It is surprisingly easy to maintain.

    Oh, wow!! Is there anything special you did to sprout the flax seeds. I saw a post online that showed flax becomes a slippery, slimy mess when you try to sprout it. It looked disgusting so I had given up the idea until I saw your post. Also are you growing some of these sprouts to microgreen...
  7. CluelessChickMom

    Feeding Chickens Crushed Wood Charcoal Mixed with Vinegar?

    Yep, yep, that is one of the several websites I found on this topic. My chickens are ridiculous when fed anything different. They often sniff it and stare at it with a perplexed look for hours before maybe trying a new food.
  8. CluelessChickMom

    Rye sprouts for feed. It is surprisingly easy to maintain.

    Just curious if you have experience or no anything about sprouting non-grain seeds for the chickens (or yourself for that matter)?
  9. CluelessChickMom

    Feeding Chickens Crushed Wood Charcoal Mixed with Vinegar?

    I am wondering if anyone has found benefits (or non-benefits) of feeding crushed wood charcoal mixed with vinegar to your chickens? I have been researching alternatives to store-bought corn and soy based bagged feed and bagged feed in general. I found several articles about the benefits of...
  10. CluelessChickMom

    Comment by 'CluelessChickMom' in article 'Grass for Chickens-Taking a look at the natural health benefit provided by this everyday green'

    I am only at about 70 wpm, but I don't type regularly anymore. Still faster, less backbreaking and easier to proof than phone!!
  11. CluelessChickMom

    Comment by 'CluelessChickMom' in article 'Herbs, Flowers, and Weeds for Chickens'

    Mine seem to poop all over the place generally!! 😂
  12. CluelessChickMom

    Poll: What Breed is your HCIC? (Head Chicken In Charge)

    My head hen (pullet) is an Easter Egger. I bought 4 chicks and this one was slightly larger than the others.
  13. CluelessChickMom

    Review by 'CluelessChickMom' in article 'Herbs, Flowers, and Weeds for Chickens'

    As a newbie who is in love with and fascinated by my Chickies, this is a great article. We have four hawks that were born and now hang out in our backyard, so I will have to do most of the foraging. ?
  14. CluelessChickMom

    Corn/Soy base feed or Non Corn/Soy or both!

    Actually a steady diet of soy protein, TMI I know, clogs me up big time. Had to quit soy filled protein bars. Is soy good for chickens or just a filler. I have 8 wks old pullets.
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