Recent content by Corinne23

  1. Corinne23

    Lice and mites

    I only have ducks but since we have a fox problem and I had a baby I’m going to be honest the last 2/3 months they haven’t gotten out much to the bath and I feel horrible. I bought Bonide Products Fly, Lice & Tick Control Dust-O and Gordon's Permethrin 10 Livestock & Premise Spray Off Amazon...
  2. Corinne23

    Lice and mites

    It seems I have a lice or mite infestation in my flock what do I do???
  3. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    She’s doing a lot better the wounds look great 1 I was nervous about but the root of the feather is still in there that’s what it was. I still put the neosporin on once a day because I’m paranoid. But she’s doing good. She trusts my husband more than any of us right now. She doesn’t trust me at...
  4. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    I love them very much I do my best. We tried hatching a few last year sadly only 2 survived. I truly love having ducks their personalities and everything. I feel bad even when they get bumblefoot on the rare occasion. My khaki when he gets bumble foot won’t let me near him my son has to chase...
  5. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    I am too. She woke us up this morning with very loud quacks. She was holding her head higher and seemed in a better mood but still mad at me 😂
  6. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    Yes she’s moving it fine just cautiously
  7. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    It looks really good could barely find it tonight. Her whole neck looks good aside from the bruising. I feel bad she was literally shaking when I was putting the stuff on it and she won’t willingly come out of the cage for me 😞
  8. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    Her necks a purplish color I’m assuming bruising and she is not happy anytime I put the medicine on I feel so bad. She’s very agitated and seems like she’s in a lot of pain 💔
  9. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    We know they aren’t allowed to free range anymore unless we’re outside. My husband checks every night to make sure the pen and coop are secure. We have dig defense around the whole coop and outdoor area so it won’t be able to dig in and we just got red light animal repellent lights he’s going to...
  10. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    Thank you were trying. Hopefully by Wednesday we will be out of the woods for an infection and I won’t stress so much over her
  11. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    Thank you. She’s doing good today just out of breath a little I notice but idk if she’s trying to honk loudly at me and she can’t because I was trying to get her to come out and walk around the house and she didn’t want to move. But he neck looks good I put more medication on it. My husbands...
  12. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    Ok thank you! I also have silver honey is that good to put on it? I bought it last year when my drakes got into a fight to put on my drakes wound
  13. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    Yes I use it when they get bumble foot I didn’t know if I should use it to draw out an infection if their is one or to prevent one. I took the bandages off and slathered her in the Neosporin again she’s happy to have them off
  14. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    I gave her another bath I moved all the feathers around. The puncture wound seems healed it’s just a little white on top but no feathers are stuck in it. She let me get a good look at her neck there’s just the 2 wounds(1puncture 1 graze) and they are both healed majority was feathers being...
  15. Corinne23

    Fox attacked my ducks

    Ok thank you!
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