Recent content by EggSighted4Life

  1. EggSighted4Life

    Wing sexing day olds

    This is only true if the it was a fast feathering sire cross slow feathering dame.. direction matters..
  2. EggSighted4Life

    Roos or Hens?

    Looks like it *may* be a cockerel if it's the one up front as that's a good size comb. Which one is crowing? The Orp is a pullet!
  3. EggSighted4Life

    A hole in the back of chicken neck

    These things will damage good tissue when used continually after the initial flushing.. according to my current understanding. Keeping away infection but possibly also preventing healing. *Maybe* triple antibiotic ointment would be a better choice?? Can you see the opening? Is it still vital...
  4. EggSighted4Life

    day 23 in Bator some solid some sloshy

    Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Please describe make and model of your incubator, is it circulated or still air? Are your vents open? Pics are nice. Maybe even the candled eggs you're still wondering about? Also describe your incubation temperature and humidity and how these were measured...
  5. EggSighted4Life

    Half My Flock Is Missing

    I agree it's likely a predator again. Sorry for your loss! But I don't understand (aside from not having the knowledge) why anyone would feed juvenile chicks especially CX.. a "layer" feed.. that is not sufficient in protein or amino acids and the EXCESS calcium is essentially poison to non...
  6. EggSighted4Life

    Weird Egg?

    Hi, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow That may vary according to productivity of the hens but also what is fed.. "layer" feed has enough calcium for most average producers to never need access to an extra calcium source on the side. Verses those who feed "flock raiser" will go through more...
  7. EggSighted4Life

    Did cows kill my birds?

    HPAI was found to have made the jump between birds and is now present in (dairy) cattle in several states across the US. Necropsy may be free or affordable depending on your state if in the US.. a link with contact info follows.. Sorry for your...
  8. EggSighted4Life

    Cecal or Cocci 💩??

    Hi, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow Coccidia are always present. Only one or two of the 9-11 strains of coccidia currently known to effect poultry may show up as blood in droppings.. when there is an overgrowth of them.. known as coccidiosis. Cocci.. is something else all together. That's...
  9. EggSighted4Life

    Coccidia? Help please

    Sorry for your loss. Yes, sounds like the right disease to be treated. Which Corid did you get.. powder or liquid.. and how much water did you add a teaspoon to? Doseage link.. No vitamin supplement...
  10. EggSighted4Life

    Delaware chicken weird behavior?

    Welcome to BYC! :frow What is her age and feed routine including treats and supplements? Have you ever wormed or had a fecal float done to check internal parasite load? How does the abdomen feel below the vent.. is it swollen or puffy, any signs of extra junk in her trunk.. aka.. internal...
  11. EggSighted4Life

    What colour are these Roos?

    Hi. You are correct that they are Easter Eggers and commonly sold not conforming to any standard of perfection but said to be "representative of the breed".. their closest color with regards to what the Ameraucana standard is, might be silver.. though that's clearly not accurate.. see the...
  12. EggSighted4Life

    Mites? Lice? How do I treat!

    Permethrin 10.. (or other permethrin based product) found on the equine isle at TSC is effective in my location and affordable while also being easy to use, skip the DE.. as it creates micro cuts that cannot be helping her irritated skin. DE does not work AT all in MY location against...
  13. EggSighted4Life

    Chicks pecking each other in the brooder

    Sounds like they're starting to get bored and *might* be crowded. How big is your brooder and what are you doing for enrichment? Pics welcome! Have they made any short trips outdoors yet? Or had a clump of dirt with grass attached brought in so they can play king of the hill and get a little...
  14. EggSighted4Life

    I have 2 Novogens and not sure one if a male

    I'm sorry if I wasn't clear last time you asked.. it's a pullet (juvenile female) and "brownish" is what's expected from the females.. I don't see any new pictures though.. happy to confirm again! :pop
  15. EggSighted4Life


    Lots of things are in the nightshade family and will not cause harm.. tomato plants for example. Do you know what variety you're dealing with? Atropa Belladona.. is deadly nightshade and may be identified by it's flower color and shape among other things...
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