Recent content by FattyChickens

  1. F

    How do you thin the herd?

    thank you guys! It's always been a dream of mine to own a couple white leghorns, so I really hope they work out
  2. F

    How do you decide what rooster to keep?

    Hi, just wanna say that it's best to look into the laws of your area, and if it's even legal for you to have a rooster. In my county, you have to have like 7 acres per rooster. Also you don't need a rooster to enjoy keeping chickens, and in my experience the hens are more pet-like and less...
  3. F

    How do you thin the herd?

    Thank you! The barred rock, 2 leghorns and 3 of the lavendars are all pretty social and dont mind being held, so i know im keeping them. Now with the remaining 5 I just have to figure out who is a cockerel. I really wish they matured faster so I could know for certain already lol
  4. F

    How do you thin the herd?

    I went a bit chick crazy this past spring and have 11 chicks that are about 7 weeks old. 4 lavender orpingtons, 1 white orpington, 1 mystery, 1 barred rock (im guessing), 1 buff brahma, 1 ancona and 2 white leghorns. At 7 weeks old, one of the lavenders is already showing some red and comb...
  5. F

    1 yr. old hen - lethargic, runny green poop, xrays show pieces of something

    Happy to hear she's doing better! I was terrified that the lack of response meant that something bad happened </3
  6. F

    2-3 wk old baby chick died in 12 hrs. Others acting the same, URGENT HELP !!!!

    Bumping for you! I'm not an expert. All I can ask is what you're feeding them and if they have fresh clean water available?
  7. F

    What's the temperature where you are???

    About 105 F down here in cali. It's the worst because I'm currently integrating chicks to the outdoors so I wake up early to give frozen treats and fresh water in new containers
  8. F

    12 week old gender

    You'd be correct. All the same bird
  9. F

    12 week old gender

    I picked her up on March 4th which would make her approx 12 weeks old, but she is developing slower than the other chicks her age. Thank you for your help guys (:
  10. F

    12 week old gender

    Was told they were a gold star which I know to be a specific "brand" of red sex links. The other one I got is pretty much a solid red. I'm thinking hen but there is a bit of color in the comb and waddles. When she was a chick, her down was pretty light so I was convinced that she was a roo but...
  11. F

    What is she??

    A random lady that likes to buy and hatch eggs lol
  12. F

    11 chicks, genders?

    Totally forgot to include the pic of the "buff brahma" but I don't see a pea comb so you're probably right
  13. F

    What is she??

    I was thinking barred rock before but she has a tiny crest coming in now. I was thinking just a mix but I'd love to know if anyone has any ideas ❤️ I used to own a chicken that looked very similar to her, so I'm hoping she grows to look just like her 💕
  14. F

    When to introduce young pullets

    I have three fully grown hens that are laying eggs. They're on the bigger side, and I have five pullets about 11 weeks old. I've seen other people put them in the coop already at that age but I am worried, they're probably only half of their size and I really don't wanna go out to a dead pullet...
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