Recent content by Fetz

  1. F

    Hardware cloth bending

    Hi all, Our 16 chicks arrive tomorrow! My wife and I are very excited. We are putting the finishing touches on their coop and run. My carpentry skills are weak at best, but I have been able to work my way through most of our problems so far. One thing I cannot figure out is how to get hardware...
  2. F

    Barn Coop and Run placement help

    Really? I know nothing compares to real life experience but all the books, articles, and forums I've read have stated that the Black Australorp and pretty much all heavy set dual-purpose breeds are not good flyers. Either way they will have ample free ranging space to keep them busy so I'm...
  3. F

    Barn Coop and Run placement help

    Winds are almost always from the northwest during a winter storm, which certainly favors the South face. But it seems those are far and few between now, and there is a good block of forest to the north and northwest that would block those winds a bit. I may have overstated the mud problem...
  4. F

    Barn Coop and Run placement help

    Hi Everyone, soon to be first time chicken owners. We will have 5 black australorp, 5 barred rock, and 5 easter eggers (wife insisted on having multicolored eggs) as well as a barred rock rooster arriving this spring! I have gotten some good feedback here that has reassured me using one of the...
  5. F

    Barn coop ventilation questions

    There's a chute and ladder (must be what the board game was named after) in the middle of the isle, around 10-15ft from this stall. Maybe 30in by 30in in size, centered under the cupola. That is the only opening. I am a little worried that might not be adequate, but I suppose I can always wait...
  6. F

    Barn coop ventilation questions

    Hi everyone, hoping to get some opinions and recommendations about building a coop in my barn. My wife and I just moved this fall and we are hoping to start with 10-15 layers this spring. I'd like to build with space to expand the flock to 25-30. I don't anticipate having more than that. Our...
  7. F

    Advice Needed!

    Hi all, New member here, hoping to get some ideas/opinions for our specific situation. My wife and I are finally escaping the suburbs and found a dream homestead, we'll be moving in just a few weeks. We have a lot of aspirations, but one of our first-year goals is to start a flock of...
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