Recent content by Happy hen lover

  1. Happy hen lover

    New member

    Welcome here Tammy . You will enjoy this forum members are so helpful here. Lots of articles. I would love some silkies.
  2. Happy hen lover

    New Member

    Welcome Kimberly chicken math is real beware!
  3. Happy hen lover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    My 3 jalapenos all cozy in my wicking tub
  4. Happy hen lover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    BlackBerry bushes loaded with blossoms , loving this cool wet spring. Can't wait till all produce. DH favorite fruit.
  5. Happy hen lover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I went to look at garden to see progress. pitiful germination of my pole beans . Yep that's one plant out of 7! brand new pkg of bakers seeds 3 plants out of a whole row! ( Old seeds) in all fairness my bush beans from there are doing great. New pepper plants have done well through all the...
  6. Happy hen lover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Or Stella de Oro.
  7. Happy hen lover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    You've inspired me to put my herbs in the pots that are sitting empty:eek::clap( I never knew what to do with them specifically) in my rose garden. You're pots and cages are great. I have soaker hoses and most things are in ground.
  8. Happy hen lover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Me: ragweed, BINDWEED, grass burrs, sand burrs ( aka. puncture vine) thistles, dirty Elms, Russian olives( although I love their smell when blooming, and grass burrs!
  9. Happy hen lover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I love mine picked all my dandelions out of back yard yesterday with one.
  10. Happy hen lover

    What did you do in the garden today?

    I've just replanted my green beans out of 15 only 3 came up. My pole beans and cuke starts had to be replanted also.
  11. Happy hen lover

    Glad to meet ya!

    What a great intro. Welcome Big Country! I'm sure you will love having chickens too
  12. Happy hen lover

    Hi! Im new here, i have 3 8 week old chickens its our first tine with chickens!

    You joined a great forum. I've had mine for 4 years now , I've learned bunches here. Just ask anything here.
  13. Happy hen lover

    New coop

    I bet they're adjusting, just getting used to new big house. If they know where water and feed is. And it's warm enough.?
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