Recent content by Henrie

  1. H

    Tell me it’s a Pullet…Pleasee!

    I hope so!!! The red on the wings was concerning me, but yes it’s mixed in around other places too. Thank you for your input!
  2. H

    Tell me it’s a Pullet…Pleasee!

    Hello! I know this question is asked all the time. Asking because I was assured this was a pullet, and I already have one rooster in my small flock. A friend was over yesterday and said she thinks it may be a cockerel. I don’t think I would be able to keep it due to my flock size and I am...
  3. H

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    So, ‘It’s a boy!’ I was pretty sure—but I had seen some female LO’s with dark red combs, so a part of me was curious if it could be a pullet that was developing early. I didn’t think so though with how it compares to the other one. Thank you!
  4. H

    Pullet or Cockerel?

    Hi! I bought two LO chicks, and the seller was 80% sure they were going to be hens.They are 9 weeks old. I am brand new to this, but I think I have a young roo here? He will be the only rooster in the flock, so will plan to keep him. Was just going to start off with all layers and even though...
  5. H

    Integration using wire dog crate

    Super helpful, thank you! I can put it on some cement blocks and get it off the ground a bit.
  6. H

    Will these spastic chickens settle down?

    Ok, thank you so much! I am introducing them to 4 others, who are 4 weeks older than the Orpingtons and only about 8 days in the coop/run themselves. I appreciate the info and encouragement!
  7. H

    Will these spastic chickens settle down?

    Hello! I posted earlier about trying to integrate two lavender Orpington’s to my young flock of Americunas. The lavender Orpington’s are eight weeks old, one pullet and one cockerel. These Orpington’s are wild! They are so much more skittish and hard to handle than my Americunas, to the point...
  8. H

    Integration using wire dog crate

    Ok, thank you!! Appreciate the info!
  9. H

    Integration using wire dog crate

    It is a large crate, (we have 85+ pound dogs), so I think they have plenty of space to get away from any pecking. I will look for tutorials as to how I can add the hardware cloth. I believe the run is very secure. Hardware cloth, with a roof and a locking door. But I know predators can be...
  10. H

    Integration using wire dog crate

    Hi! Thank you for responding! Yes, it does. I wasn’t sure if it was better to keep that in the bottom or let them pick at the grass?
  11. H

    Integration using wire dog crate

    Hello! I am new to chicken keeping. I have 4 Americunas (15 weeks old) that have been in their new run and coop for a week. I have 2 Lavendar orpingtons (pretty sure one is a roo) that are 8 weeks old I want to add to my flock. Would it be safe to put the Orpingtons in a wire dog kennel inside...
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