Recent content by JacquelyninCali

  1. JacquelyninCali

    Is this broody? Video linked

    This is the bald spot on her tummy.
  2. JacquelyninCali

    Is this broody? Video linked

    I’m new to chickens, Cardi is 9-10 months old and the last few days she spends in the nesting box. I take her out and she drinks water and eats but feathers are puffed with a clucking sounds and she goes right back to the nesting box. We do not have a rooster. I also noticed she has a bald spot...
  3. JacquelyninCali

    Soft looking egg

    I know the hen who is doing this. I only have 6 hens, the other 5 have had no issues with their eggs and have hard shells. I had thought of taking the advice of another poster on here to give just that hen a calcium supplement. The hen laying the soft eggs is acting completely fine other...
  4. JacquelyninCali

    Soft looking egg

    Hello. So we had a few weeks of normal eggs and last night she laid another soft one :-( Can you tell me the brand of calcium pills you get? are they hard or chewable? Thanks!
  5. JacquelyninCali

    Soft looking egg

    Thanks I will definitely try that if it happens again!
  6. JacquelyninCali

    Soft looking egg

    Thanks for your response! I do have oyster shell for them and I also feed them egg shells.
  7. JacquelyninCali

    Soft looking egg

    Hi all. I’m new to chickens and my hens are about 8 months old. Today i found the below pictured egg in one of the laying boxes. I have no idea which hen laid it, they’re all acting normal. Should i be concerned about this? It looks like a balloon with some white and yolk mostly inside but some...
  8. JacquelyninCali

    Pastel green eggs

    She is the sweetest, she is my baby girl. When I sit out by the coop she will even jump up on the arm of my chair to be next to me <3
  9. JacquelyninCali

    Pastel green eggs

    Just got this beautiful pastel green egg from my girl 💚🐔. Is she considered an Easter egger or Olive Egger?
  10. JacquelyninCali

    What breed is my Henrietta? 6 months old and still no comb or wattles.

    Thank you, yes that’s what I meant I should have said they looked liked they hadn’t developed or they were barely visible. Thank you all for your help in identifying Henrietta…still very new to owning chickens and this forum has been super helpful!
  11. JacquelyninCali

    What breed is my Henrietta? 6 months old and still no comb or wattles.

    I just googled buckeye hen and she definitely looks like that so I think that’s her breed. Thank you!
  12. JacquelyninCali

    What breed is my Henrietta? 6 months old and still no comb or wattles.

    Hi there, I got her from tractor supply. I attached a photo from the day i brought her home and she is the chick in the middle.
  13. JacquelyninCali

    What breed is my Henrietta? 6 months old and still no comb or wattles.

    I got her as a chick from tractor supply, I attached a pic from the day i brought her home and she is the chick in the middle
  14. JacquelyninCali

    What breed is my Henrietta? 6 months old and still no comb or wattles.

    Hello, my Henrietta (the orange/amber one with no comb) is not 6 months and she’s the only one of my flock without a comb or wattles….is this normal for some breeds? Any ideas what breed? Thank you!
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