Recent content by jetmek94

  1. J

    3 week old chick just ate my hair band!!!

    Thanks for taking the time to reply! I will put a pinch of grit out in morning. I offered eggs and had to grit ready to go but they were not interested in the egg so I held off on the grit. I should be able to sleep tonight LOL Thanks again. I'm glad your metal nut eating chicken is OK! That...
  2. J

    3 week old chick just ate my hair band!!!

    Here it is I feel so dumb.
  3. J

    3 week old chick just ate my hair band!!!

    My 3 week old chick just ate a small clear hair band. No metal. She has not had treats or grit yet. I tried to get it away and down it went. I feel so stupid. I was not even wearing a hair band. They are in a sun room in my house. I have a lovely brooder and let them out to sit with me several...
  4. J

    What’s up with the sweet chick soft shelled eggs lethargy and funny comb.

    I’m on the central coast of California no frost bite. She gets moist food dry food scratch and peck dry mash small portion on the side oyster shell flacks and eggs shells there are three watering stations. Adv liquid vitamin in water plain water. Several types of feeder and waters. Multiple...
  5. J

    What’s up with the sweet chick soft shelled eggs lethargy and funny comb.

    Lana is a 2 yr old Easter Egger who lives with 4 other lovely ladies. She is great layer and has always been very active. 4 days an ago I notice a soft shelled egg under the roosting in the AM. Sometimes this happens so I didn’t think much about it. The next day I noticed she was standing on her...
  6. J

    Bed time Nightmare!!!

    I took everyone’s advice. I closed the window door and one side of the nesting area. Then went to work cleaning up the yard. My sweet little girl Vee followed me around the yard. She followed me to the nesting area. Everyone was in there spot. I feared her finally going to bed would start the...
  7. J

    Bed time Nightmare!!!

    I have a 2 year old Easter Egger who make bed time so stressful. She has four other sisters who go in the coop find a spot settle down on the roosts. Then she comes in ugh! She can't settle and gets everyone all stirred up! It's a mad house. The whole story. 3 Easter eggers are 2 years old and 2...
  8. J

    Is this scaly leg mite?

    This is another new problem for me. Ugh!
  9. J

    What is this??

    Thanks so much for the response. I have actually used the scoop on chicken poop before! lol I will check out the other recommendations. Thanks again.
  10. J

    What is this??

    Thanks so much for responding. The girls get dry crumble layer feed dry and moist along with scratch and peck. I can stop giving that to them. Since I had some bulling going I have several feeding stations in and out of the coop as they have a large grassy area to use until I get home then they...
  11. J

    What is this??

    This is Henny she is a 1 year old bielefelder hen. I have 2 issues with her. One being when she became coop ready. Noticed her chest is very large and giggly. It feels soft and squishy with a soft piece of tissue in the inside her crop. I thought impacted or sour crop? I give her plain yogurt...
  12. J

    Sick chicken I don't thinks she is going to make it! Help!

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. I just feel like crap. They are like my emotional support animals! LOL It's a bummer when you spend so much time caring for them. I can honestly say she had a good life! She was a sweet and beautiful bird. Lesson learned. Take care and thank you.
  13. J

    Sick chicken I don't thinks she is going to make it! Help!

    Thanks for your response! Whey past away a short time ago. I feel awful. I watch the girls closely. If she was starving I don't know what to say. The only thing I can say is I'm sorry!! I spend so much time with them ( her) how can that be the cause?
  14. J

    Sick chicken I don't thinks she is going to make it! Help!

    My one year old Bielefelder who has not yet laid. is struggling with something? She was fine up until 2 days ago. I noticed she did not come running for she afternoon snack? She seemed confused? I brought her over to the snack and she walked away and laid down and continued to follow the same...
  15. J

    Empty Crop,

    She is when I leave for the day at 8Am and is out with me when I arrive home at 3pm and roosts at night. I thought the same thing at first.
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