Recent content by Legbrorn

  1. Legbrorn

    Hen Purple Comb Tip

    It was. Today I’ve noticed it again and it wasn’t that hot though. Are there any signs that are signaling the presence of mites? I mean apart from encountering the mite 😁
  2. Legbrorn

    Hen Purple Comb Tip

    Hi everyone, So two of my hens have purple tip on the comb. I’m pretty much around them all day on the farm and they just developed this now in the afternoon. They are acting normal, laid eggs today, and it was hot today. Could it be dehydration? They have plenty of water available and are on...
  3. Legbrorn

    Peeps in Europe!

    That’s really helpful thank you! 😊
  4. Legbrorn

    Peeps in Europe!

    Nice! I actually found re-sellers in Slovakia for each brand you mentioned. Thanks! Which one do you feed from Milfuma?
  5. Legbrorn

    Peeps in Europe!

    Hi everybody! I was wondering if someone could recommend a good European feed for layers, ideally with shipping to Slovakia, as that’s where I am from 😁 So far I’m feeding my hens grower and layer feed from Versele-Laga. Any suggestions?
  6. Legbrorn

    Best Commercial feed in Europe?

    Hi everyone, So I was wondering if there’s someone who can recommend a good feed that’s available in Europe, as I’m from Slovakia and there’s not much to choose from. Or maybe there is and I just don’t know what to look for. At the moment I’m feeding my hens grower and layer feed from...
  7. Legbrorn

    An odd small egg after a series of normal eggs

    That's a lot of useful information, thanks! Unfortunately I didn't take photos of what was inside the eggs, but the small one was yolk only and the bigger one was like a normal egg, yolk and white. What concerns me now is that she went to the nesting box yesterday and today as the first thing...
  8. Legbrorn

    An odd small egg after a series of normal eggs

    Alright then 😁 I’ll try not to worry and monitor the situation. Thanks for the answer!
  9. Legbrorn

    An odd small egg after a series of normal eggs

    So she just laid second egg today which is almost shell-less and she is holding her body strange.
  10. Legbrorn

    Young Hen’s Comb Turned Pale, She Just Started Laying. Please Help!

    just an update: fermenting the feed helped! Thanks for everyone’s input
  11. Legbrorn

    An odd small egg after a series of normal eggs

    Hello everyone! This morning, one of my hens laid this odd looking egg. She started laying roughly 2-3 weeks before and is laying an egg a day since then, each day a bigger one. Today she laid a tiny egg, with thin shell and odd shape with something as a circle on it. Is it something to worry...
  12. Legbrorn

    Young Hen’s Comb Turned Pale, She Just Started Laying. Please Help!

    I don’t know whether I’m just overthinking it, but her comb is more pale as time goes. They have shells on the side now available all day as well. Also I’ve started to notice that other leghorn is having bit dry/pale comb too. I just worry about them.
  13. Legbrorn

    Young Hen’s Comb Turned Pale, She Just Started Laying. Please Help!

    Thanks again. Alright I’ll do that. I went for the mash type of feed so they would pick out what they need - or at least I thought that’s how it’s gonna work. So is it better to feed pellets?
  14. Legbrorn

    Young Hen’s Comb Turned Pale, She Just Started Laying. Please Help!

    Thank you very much for responding to me! And thanks a lot for the advice. I’m ordering the shells and will provide that for them. For now I’m feeding them this one: Versele-Laga Gold 4 Mash I’m in Slovakia and there is not lot to choose from as commercial feed goes. So far I didn’t...
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