Recent content by LeslieBerckes

  1. L

    1 yr. old hen - lethargic, runny green poop, xrays show pieces of something

    I had been meaning to loop back to this for others who might read this thread. Etta is still here and seems to be just fine - thank goodness! She started showing symptoms on Sunday (or at least when I noticed) and by Thursday, she was back to her chicken-self. We reintroduced her to flock on...
  2. L

    1 yr. old hen - lethargic, runny green poop, xrays show pieces of something

    Cautiously optimistic here. Yesterday, I pushed a lot of electrolyte water and did the crop massage. By the evening, Etta was a a good chicken way! Tipping everything over and making a total mess. Our cat, who she seemed mildly worried about the past few days, got absolutely YELLED...
  3. L

    1 yr. old hen - lethargic, runny green poop, xrays show pieces of something

    Well, she's more alert today, I think her crop has gone down, and she was voluntarily pecking at seed - I know that's not a good food source overall, but I was just taking her lead on what she'd eat. Should I be withholding food, or taking her cues when she's hungry? She had a bigger, more...
  4. L

    1 yr. old hen - lethargic, runny green poop, xrays show pieces of something

    Thanks, @Eggcessive. She would drink when I held water up to her on the first day, but now won't do that. I'm able to dribble a little water in her beak. It is good to see that video and link you sent. The vet definitely did not mention that when they showed how to put in the medicine. I find it...
  5. L

    1 yr. old hen - lethargic, runny green poop, xrays show pieces of something

    The vet said he felt something gritty in her crop. I'm a newbie chicken mom, so sorry to say I didn't know what a crop was until recently. I'm feeling over my head and sad I'm letting my girl down. Tonight her crop seemed really big, but she hasn't eaten much. I'll try feeling it tomorrow. The...
  6. L

    1 yr. old hen - lethargic, runny green poop, xrays show pieces of something

    Thanks for the response, @Eggcessive! You know, I felt really good leaving the vet yesterday, but today I feel like I didn't get many answers. At least we knew it wasn't an impacted egg. He wasn't sure what those pieces were in her crop and belly(? not sure what part of the chicken that is?. He...
  7. L

    1 yr. old hen - lethargic, runny green poop, xrays show pieces of something

    Hello! On Sunday, my one year old hen seemed off. Slow, let me catch her easily, and had runny poop on her butt. At first I was worried it was egg yolk. She had laid they day before on Saturday. On Sunday, I did two epsom soaks. On Monday, I took her to the vet where we did (very expensive!)...
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