Recent content by LuciferRoo

  1. LuciferRoo

    Boy or girl

    Thanks. I will try to get new photos. It's amazing how good the quality of the photos are as long as I am not trying to take them of the chickens. Aim the phone at a chicken and suddenly the quality drops by 20 years.
  2. LuciferRoo

    Boy or girl

    About a month ago I bought five 8 week old pullets. Four are black and one is white. Today my stepdaughter said that the white one is a roo. It is some version of Easter Egger. Any thoughts from the experts whether this is a pullet or a cockrell?
  3. LuciferRoo

    !!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

    I had a pack of 3 dogs kill my chickens. A day or two later the dogs returned. I knew they were likely to return so I was carrying a rifle with me in case they do. The dogs were a pitbull mix and 2 chihuahuas. As soon as I got close enough to them I shot the pitbull. I will kill any dog that...
  4. LuciferRoo

    Chick injured from dog

    She may have an injury without anything being broken. I had a pullet who I suspect was hit by a falling 2×4. I did not see it happen, but I was working and the chickens were near me and a 2x4 fell from about 3 feet up. A bit later I saw a pulled that was just laying on the ground and not coming...
  5. LuciferRoo

    Chick injured from dog

    When I had my chickens attacked by dogs, I use couple of veterinary sprays on their wounds. I cannot remember the name of the first one but the second was Wound-Note, which I assume is very similar to BlueKote. One rooster took half a day to snap out of being in shock, but originally I was...
  6. LuciferRoo

    Barred rock questions (multiple pictures)

    I cannot find a better photo right now, but this one does show the difference in how much lighter cockerels are compared to pullets.
  7. LuciferRoo

    Barred rock questions (multiple pictures)

    Boy Rocks are really easy to distinguish from the girls. Their barring is "reverse" of the girls. Once you see it, you will know it. Girls are dark background with light markings. Boys are light background with dark markings. That is the easiest way for me to describe the difference. Boys are...
  8. LuciferRoo

    Hatching eggs from young hen.

    What is the opinion about hatching eggs from very young hens? Eggs that are still in the small egg category. Not those little ones right after a young hen starts laying, but maybe after a month or two.
  9. LuciferRoo

    5 month old rooster is hobbling when he walks

    I would second a possible fracture. I had a rooster survive an attack by a pack of dogs. Amongst his injuries was injuries to his feet. I assume from running to get away from the dogs. Because I has many other roosters at the time, I put him into a separate enclosure with a couple of mellow...
  10. LuciferRoo

    Hmmm… things aren’t lining up. Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans, or Dominique?

    I had 13 Rocks last spring and raised them from 3 day old chicks to fully grown. That is the limit of my experience, but based on that, I do not think that #1 is a Barred Rock. I really cannot put my finger on it but there is something about that chick that looks wrong. However, I will defer...
  11. LuciferRoo


    Was it the same size as the other chicks when you received it? Is it much more friendly? In my experience, males are more outgoing and friendly as chicks.
  12. LuciferRoo

    Any boys in this bunch?

    🥳🥳🥳🥳 I am a bit paranoid after going the chick route my first 4 times and getting majority roosters. My worst was hatching my own. 10 eggs gave me 9 roosters and 1 hen. Even buying a dozen chicks from a hatchery resulted in 7 roos and 6 hens (they included 1 extra).
  13. LuciferRoo

    Any boys in this bunch?

    Here are my 5 acquisitions from a week ago. I was told they were about 2 months old by the seller (emphasis on "about"). All 5 are supposed to be pullets but they were not 100% sure. The gender is identifiable at hatch time, but someone else hatched these for them. So now l am wondering what...
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