Recent content by Maty

  1. M

    Laying behavior

    I had them since they were born and always had them come in the house and allow them to sit in the couches so now they are use to it and every day come for a visit and we just sit there relaxing 😃
  2. M

    Laying behavior

    Yes I do but then they start getting broody and start trying to hatch the fake egg so to stope it I remove the fake egg
  3. M

    Laying behavior

    They were using them since I build them no problem and now they are starting to wander around looking for a place to lay I clean them almost every day and put some dry herbs that are suppose to calm them, I think I'm trying to accommodate them too much and when I see them looking I try to find a...
  4. M

    Laying behavior

    Hi there I need help on how to handle this behavior, some of my seramas are laying everywhere and anywhere but the nest, I have 3 that love to come into my living room and lay on the couch, we spoil them too much and they are allow to come into the house and relax or get a snack 😋
  5. M

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello everyone sorry I haven't visit BYC in a while, all is good in my little coop now, one of my Serama baby was very sick finally I found a Vet that treated her and it seems she is OK although she lost all her feathers from her head and neck an it doesn't look like they're coming back 😟 but...
  6. M

    please help

    Thank you so much for your reply, I will try the permethrin
  7. M

    please help

    I don't know what else to do, two months ago my chicken was scratching her head and shaking it I checked and saw her ears full of wax, cleaned them and it looked she was better but as time passes she started showing signs of what I thought was feathers mites I started using different things but...
  8. M

    Topic of the Week - Treating Chicken Injuries

    Great, thank you I'll try the bath, I thought she is too young to be molting?
  9. M

    Topic of the Week - Treating Chicken Injuries

    Thank you for your reply, we thought of that too and started giving her Biotin but it is a pill we dissolved in water, is there another liquid Biotin that I can use? Her skin dryness is more in her head neck area and under her wings, she loss her feathers there we started putting some coconut...
  10. M

    Topic of the Week - Treating Chicken Injuries

    Hello there I wish I had your abilities I don't have a Vet that treats chickens in my area and it's frustrating not knowing what to do maybe you can give me some suggestions. I have a small Serama chicken she is 6 months old now and started showing what I thought was an ear infection, we cleaned...
  11. M

    Hatching Eggs Without Incubator Or Broody Hen??

    Wow that's very interesting I have never heard about asexual embryo development it sounds really crazy thanks for sharing. I am too curious about different methods of hatching chickens and although I know one can't believe everything you see on YouTube, I have found some very interesting ways...
  12. M

    Hatching Eggs Without Incubator Or Broody Hen??

    I have seen in YouTube two different men in two different parts of the world that hatched an egg with their body heat, they put the egg in a small box and attached it to their waist with the egg touching their body and carry it during 21 days and nights turning it every day and they both...
  13. M

    Topic of the Week - Broody vs Incubator

    Pictures of my babies
  14. M

    Topic of the Week - Broody vs Incubator

    Hello My BYC friends, sorry I haven't been around lately but I have a story that I would like to share with you all. I have a small flock 2 Serama hens one Serama rooster one Cochin and one a mixed Serama and a Kelso rooster. At the end of March the coching became broody I tried everything to...
  15. M

    Thank you 💞

    Thank you 💞
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