Recent content by Mistyridgechickens

  1. M

    Section off coop

    They’ll be about 12-13 weeks old when they go out. The coop is about 10x12, I can get pictures when I get home.
  2. M

    Section off coop

    Hey all, I have 3 young chickens that will be done with their with their quarantine in a couple weeks, but will still be too small to join their new flock unsupervised, so I’m looking for something I can use to separate them. Their coop is a horse stall, and I can either construct something to...
  3. M

    Slight Mouth Breathing

    No new birds recently. Crop is emptying. No other respiratory illness signs. There might be some bloating in her abdomen; it’s like moderately squishy and feels kinda full, but it’s not like one pouch that’s standing out. She does lay eggs but she’s never been the biggest layer, maybe 2-3 a...
  4. M

    Slight Mouth Breathing

    Hey all, I have a hen who’s about 3 years old who I’ve noticed is doing a bit of mouth breathing and you can see that she’s breathing harder when she’s roosting. It is very slight, and I’m not hearing any rasping or gurgling type noises, but it has been going on for two days now. Is it likely a...
  5. M

    Elector PSP in Winter

    Thank you for the tips! Lol I have 21 chickens, so I’ll just have to make a day of it 😂
  6. M

    Elector PSP in Winter

    Hey all, I have a mite infestation in my poor chickies. I’m gonna get Elector PSP for the coop, and I’m wondering if it’s too cold to use it on the chickens as well. It’ll be upper 40s-50s F during the day and down to the mid 20s at night, and I’ll have to do about half the flock at night cuz...
  7. M

    Lights/Deterrents for Foxes

    Does anyone know if flashing lights will scare a fox away? Or any other deterrent we can put up quickly while working on our hardware cloth? We have an electric poultry fence creating a large area for our chickens, and then a run attached to the coop, and last night there was a fox inside the...
  8. M

    Attaching Hardware Cloth to Run

    Oh, that’s a really good idea I hadn’t thought of! Would you mind posting or sending me a picture of the kind that you used?
  9. M

    Attaching Hardware Cloth to Run

    Yep, I’m definitely doing that as well!
  10. M

    Attaching Hardware Cloth to Run

    Hi everyone! My run is made out of an outdoor dog kennel with the kind of fencing pictured below. I just ordered a bunch of hardware cloth to make it more secure. My question is, what is the best way to attach the hardware cloth to the fence? Tying with metal wire? Hog ties? I’m open to anything...
  11. M

    Young Chicken Sitting and Walking Stiff

    Hi! I can only give personal advice, but giving my girl a vitamin b complex definitely helped her a lot! I think she was getting pushed out of the food and she was getting weak, so making sure she got her own dedicated food time helped. Also another thing I noticed (I think because she was...
  12. M

    Young Chicken Sitting and Walking Stiff

    Hey, just wanted to give an update since you said your hen seemed to be in a similar position - ours looks like it was a vitamin b deficiency. We gave her one ml of the rooster booster b12 supplement last night, and then in the morning she wasn’t 100%, but she was definitely able to stand up for...
  13. M

    Young Chicken Sitting and Walking Stiff

    No worries! I’d say possibility a little droopy, though she was also holding them away from her body a little because it was a bit hot today. I hope your hen feels better soon!
  14. M

    Young Chicken Sitting and Walking Stiff

    At first it seemed like coccidiosis with her just wanting to rest and seeming sleepy. I didn’t know that about the vitamin deficiency, thanks! She gets Purina start and grow non-medicated crumbles, occasional (not everyday) treats such as cooked eggs, vegetables, fruit, and grubs/worms, as well...
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